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"I walk through the valley of the shadow of death and I fear no evil because I'm blind to it all."

-Shawn James


       "Hey B" I poked my head into Bruce's home office, he looked up from some paperwork and directed his attention to me.

"I'm gonna go to Wallys if that's ok?"

He nodded with a smile, "Go, be young. Don't do anything overly stupid please"

"I'll try" I told him and walked out with a black backpack on. I wore a long sleeve and jeans, both in black as well.

I headed out the front gate and once I was out of earshot, called Wally.

"Good evening. To what do I owe this pleasure?" He answered, I smiled slightly.

"I'm just bored so figured I'd call" I stated.

He hummed lightly, "well wanna come over? My parents are doing pretty well today, I'm just doing homework though which isn't too riveting" 

"I'm actually headed to Lucy's right now" I lied, "but I'll try to call later"

I walked down the busy road and into a nearby alley, putting on a brown wig this time and a green contact.

"This late?" Wally asked. He had every right to do so, it was almost 12 pm, I wouldn't have gotten out of the house if it wasn't for Bruce never checking the time.

"Yeah, impulsively decided to do it."

"oh ok. Hey, moms calling me. Is it cool if I hang up?"

"Go ahead, I'll let you know when I'm done" I walked down the street again.

"Thank you, love ya, byee" he spoke quickly.

"Love you too.." I hung up the phone then snuck behind the Gotham Art Gallery, climbing onto the roof and putting on my mask.

I put in my comm on turned it on.

"Are you in position?"

"Yes grandfather."

"You're not going to mess up this time, correct?"

"No grandfather."

"Good" there was silence for a moment, "the guards have almost cleared the corridor that the paintings in"

Oh right, I forgot to explain.

All of this was for a stupid painting which was apparently once stolen, something to do with the Owls in the past.

I opened the skylight and pulled a harness out of my bag. Setting it up with a rope and securing it.

Hacking into the security footage I put it on loop so no one would see us.

I waited a good half an hour for the perfect chance before sneaking down. I got out of the harness and snuck over to the painting, disabling all alarms before I took it down. It wasn't huge, just small enough so I could carry it under my arm. 

I heard the soft sounds of dropping bodies in the hall. One Owl came and stood by the entrance of the corridor as if to keep out anyone.

I hooked myself back up and escaped with the painting. Pulling out the rope I saw the bat-signal turn on. Panic struck through me as sirens and flashing lights came closer and closer.

"You said we wouldn't get caught"

"We won't." Talon stated, "the cars out back. Get in now"

I groaned in annoyance and hopped down into the alley with a painting in hand. Sure enough there was the slick black mini limo waiting for me.

I opened the door and put the painting in first, then myself. The car was already starting when I shut the door.

"Good work" Grandfather praised, sitting across from me. I sighed and crossed my arms, staring out the window as he poured three glasses of champagne.

"I don't drink" I told him.

"You sure did the other night"

"That was for sanity purposes" I snapped, "where are we going?"

"Picking up a business partner ." He told me, I looked at him in confusion.

The door across from the one I entered in opened and in came another person in an owl mask, which was soon lifted to reveal a person I never thought I'd see.


He smirked at me slyly and I studied his face for answers. There was something about him that was...off.
His hair was slightly darker and his eyes were more of a blue than green, that's when it clicked.

"You..." I breathed, "you're not my Wally..you're the blur?"

Talon slow clapped and handed Blur a glass of champagne. "Very good detective..I've had Max here watch over you, study you, learn to know how to get to you right where it hurts...and boy did it work"

"And the dreams...?"

"They were all us" Grandfather told me, "none of it was real of course. This simply serves as a warning for next time you choose to slip up, that they can easily become reality if I want. Understand?"

I nodded, trying my best not to show any fear.
"How? I mean, there's no way you just have the same powers by coincidence"

"It took some.." The man paused for a moment, "physical changes. The speed is all in your head, we use a gas like Doctor Crane uses to make the illusion he's phasing. We used actual fear gas to control your dreams. Any other questions or will you stop pestering me about it?"

"No sir..." I told him, trying to wrap my brain around the situation still.

"Good...now we have a busy night ahead of us"

~ ~ ~

I walked back to the manor after a long nights sneaking around. I was extremely tired and just wanted some rest.

Quietly I snuck up the side and into my window, changing into more comfortable pyjamas and laying down.

"Rory?" A quiet voice asked opening the door. I looked up to see Dick standing there holding one of his blankets around himself.

He walked over to my bed and laid beside me, I helped him pull the blankets over himself before finally speaking.

"I had a bad dream"

"Ahh.." I sighed, making myself comfortable. "How did that math test go?"

"I got an A" He smiled

My jaw dropped and I hugged him. He had been struggling with it recently so I was very happy he benefited from my help.

"Good job"

He smiled and yawned, "thanks"

Dick leant into the hug and before I knew it he had fallen asleep.

~ ~ ~

A/N: sorry this filler is so short, I just had to get the Talon and Blur part down and really didn't have any other idea of what to have next. Plus I felt like Rory getting hurt again may just get annoying.


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