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“I have no clue what you're talking about.” I said, as I tried my best to ignore Erick, who was going on about how I've defiled his little brother and turned him into a monster.

“He is so innocent, so short, and innocent, yet you did those things to him, and now he's stuck with you indefinitely!” I sighed as I wished I didn't come along on this hunt with them because these boys were surely annoying as hell.

I only mind link Arlo just now, to make sure he was ok and I somehow said I wanted to have sex with him when I returned out loud which they all heard, and now they were ganging up on me.

“Look, he's my mate. What do you expect is going to happen?” I asked, irritated with them.

“I expected you to wait until he's older, but no, you had to mate with him and mark him as your own.” Chris said, and I glared at him. I was this close to sending them to no man's land if they didn't shut the hell up! They saw the look on my face as my eyes were turning pitched black and got scared. I watched as they started moving away from me as fast as they could. Finally, I was left alone.

“You can be so scary sometimes.” Landon said as he was chuckling next to me.

“Let's just shift and start our hunting.” I replied as we neared the hunting ground. We were almost in the middle of the forest, where I could already see all the different kinds of animals. I shifted and slowly crawled towards an unsuspecting deer, who looked up as if it could tell it was in danger.

After I got close to it, I pounced and delivered a deadly blow, which was just my luck. A couple of hours into hunting, we caught around eight different kinds of animals, which would do us some good for the next couple of days.

I started sniffing the air as I realized there was something off about it. The scent I was getting was….wait a damn minute. We shifted into our human form and got dressed in the extra clothes we brought a growl to when I realized who was there.

“Arlo, get your butt out here now!” I shouted, which he did. He and Micah were walking towards us with their heads down. What did I ever do to get someone so stubborn?

“Arlo, are you serious?” Logan asked as he shook his head in disappointment at his brother.

“Well, you couldn't expect us to remain in bed all day, right? We are too hyper for that!” He shouted as if trying to get out of whatever trouble he was in, but his excuse wasn't going to work this time.

“Micah, what did I tell you to do?” Landon asked, irritated at the fact that Micah wasn't listening to him and that they had somehow escaped when no one was looking, stupid guards.

“You can't tell me what to do!” Micah shouted as he glared at Landon, who was on the verge of losing his temper.

'Landon don't.' I sent through mind link, but he wasn't listening to me.

“I am tired of always having to try so damn hard with you! I get it that I marked you without your consent. You don't want a mate, but dammit you got one, and now you're stuck with me! The full moon is here, and we haven't even mated because somehow you have this knowledge that you don't want me to touch you, so I have to bear the pain alone! I wish I could just reject you and get it over with, if there was a way I wouldn't die from it!” Everyone gasped when they heard what Landon was saying, and even Micah looked like he was about to cry.

“W-well, why don't you go ahead and do it! Let the two of us die for all I care. It's better than being stuck with you. Oh, so you don't want to do it? Such a coward you are. Never mind, I'll do it for us. I Micah James of the red forest pack rej....” he didn't get to finish what he was saying as Landon grabbed him and started kissing him. He was resisting at first, but because of the bond they shared, he started kissing him back while crying. I shook my head and sighed because of the mess these two were in. I can't believe Micah almost rejected Landon.

“You're going to get punished when we get back home.” I whispered to Arlo, who shivered a bit out of fright.

“So, no sex?” He asked, and I heard a series of groans coming from his brothers, who had a disgusted look on their faces.

“None now, hightail it out of here before I decide to punish you here instead.” He nodded his head and pulled Micah away from Landon, who was about to protest at the loss of his mate in his arms. I smirked at him, and he shook his head while running his hand through his hair.

“You need a haircut.” I said, and he rolled his eyes at me.

“I know, you too.” He replied with a sigh.

“I can't believe what had almost happened, I can't lose him, Jacob.” I nodded my head and placed my hand on his shoulder as he looked like he was close to tears.

“It's going to take a while for him to warm up to you, but all you have to do is have patience, ok? He will come around eventually. Plus, there's the heat and the effect of the full moon that will be difficult for him to stay away from you, no matter how much he tries to.” He agreed with me as we got ready to carry our kill of the day back to the pack house where the chef was waiting for it.

What am I going to do with Arlo? Maybe we should include him in certain things, but the thought of him getting hurt doesn't sit right with me or Midnight. Not just me, but his brothers and parents kept him inside most of the time.

I know we spoiled him a lot, so he's using it against us at this time, so perhaps we need to lessen his restrictions a bit, but how can I do that when the very thought of him being outside makes me want to lose control? There must be some other way we can all agree on letting Arlo and Micah out more often, but what? What could we possibly do?

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