Not accepting the truth

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“I promise I will try to change my ways. I won't get into trouble anymore.” Arlo whispered to me, and I sighed as I cuddled up to him on the bed.

He was out of it, something made him this way, and I wanted to know what it was, but he wouldn't tell me. I had to try hard to get rid of his family, who didn't want to leave because the sight of Arlo crying nonstop had them in protective mode.

“Are you going to tell me what happened?” I asked for like the tenth time, but he shook his head.

“It's not my story to tell, I don't want to betray their trust.” I looked at him like he finally went and lost his mind, but even at that stage, I still loved him even if he was mentally ill.

“Ok, I'll go get something for you to eat. Any request?” I asked, and he shook his head while mumbling to himself. I sighed and got out of bed, leaving him comfortable.

I could have sent a mind link to one of the omegas to take something up for us, but I needed some time to myself to think, that's why I left him there.

'Hey, um, Jacob, do you have a minute? Can you come to my room, please? It's important.' Landon said through mind link, and I replied with a yes.

I made my way to his room, wondering what he did this time for him to call me. I just hope he didn't do anything stupid. When I got there, I knocked on the door, and he opened it with a worried look on his face.

“What the fuck did you do this time?” I asked him and he sighed and looked down.

“He was trying to run, to go and look for Arlo when he went missing. I only did what I had to.” I narrowed my eyes at him and pushed past him to go and check on Micah.

He was cuffed to the bed again with a gag in his mouth. Any other time I would think that this was some kinky shit, but not this time. Micah was crying and screaming while trashing on the bed, so he could get out of the cuffs, his screams were muffled by the gag in his mouth and he looked distraught.

I turned and glared at Landon while changing my eye color to black and told him to get out, which he did. He knew better to go against my orders when I'm like this. Fucking idiot, what does it take to learn from your mistakes?

Something like this happened once, but he went and did it again. It's a pity Micah didn't have my powers, or he would have been able to leave.

“It's ok, I'm going to get you out, you can calm down now.” I cooed, trying to gain his trust, which he did, seeing how he was quieting down a little.

I took the cuffs off him with ease and the gag, which had him coughing and taking deep breaths. I pulled him towards me and lifted him bridal style, so I could get him to see Arlo.

He cuddled into me and sighed as I carried him out of that room, he didn't say anything because I could tell he was angry. Once I got to my room, Arlo spotted us and his eyes became wide. He started crying once again, knowing I had both of them to take care of was a lot of work.

Micah's wrists were already healed by the time we got to my room, so I didn't have to accelerate his healing process.

“Why didn't you let me know you were ok!?” He shouted at Arlo who flinched and held his head down.

“I forgot.” Arlo said, and Micah glared at him.

“Hey don't look at him like that, he was out of it since he returned. If you were in his state, you would have understood why he didn't contact you.” He looked at me and sighed while crawling up to Arlo who still held his head down.

“I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.” Arlo smiled at him and I left to go and get them both something to eat, so they could relax. I got over not wanting anyone else in my territory apart from Arlo.

They are, after all, his family, so it was bound to happen. When I was in the kitchen, plating Some spaghetti and meatballs, Landon walked up to me and I shook my head while looking at him with disappointment in my eyes.

“Why do you tend to be so abusive towards Micah?” I asked and he sighed.

“That's not abuse, it's discipline.” He replied, and I looked at him as if he had lost his mind.

“Of course it's abuse! I'm not that perfect because I spank Arlo whenever he goes against my orders. But what you did, what you kept on doing to Micah, is abuse.” He looked down, shame evident on his face as I chastised him for what he was doing.

“I had to do something! I went to training this morning and expected Micah to be here when I returned but no! He was off doing goddess knows what! Then, when Arlo went missing, he tried to follow you guys to help look for him, I didn't want him to get hurt, so I was trying to stop him, but no, he went off on me. Calling me an asshole for coming in between him and his friend!” If only he could hear himself now.

“Your relationship with Micah is not healthy at all. From the moment you meet him, it's a nonstop rollercoaster. You need to let go of this tendency you have to control him, or you'll end up losing him.” He scoffed and folded his arms.

“Look who's talking? You're a hypocrite if you ask me. You treat Arlo the same if not worse, and yet, you act as if you're a saint. You need to listen to your advice as well.” I guess he's right, but he was way worse than I am.

I knew that it was because of Arlo and Micah being spoiled and why they got away with so many things, they were never disciplined when they were younger, so it was my job to make sure Arlo was alright, even more so now that he's pregnant.

After picking up the tray, I walked away from Landon not replying to what he had just said to me because there was nothing left to say. I just hope for his sake, Micah forgives him this time.

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