Learning to trust

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I sighed as I turned to look at my mate who was sleeping peacefully next to me and smiled as I remembered what we did a couple of hours earlier. After getting home from our date, Arlo went into dominant mode.

Which was kind of funny to watch, but I didn't laugh because I didn't want him to feel bad, so I went along with It. Even though he wasn't that big, and he was just too innocent to know what to do, I couldn't ask for anything better than what he had given me.

I still felt the pleasure from him, it was intense as he took his time pleasuring me. He had a lot to learn, yes, and I was happy that I got to teach him. He fell asleep right after too, and I could bet he was exhausted because he was the one doing all the work.

At least, I wasn't against the idea of him being top, he could experience what it was like. Midnight enjoyed it as well, he almost took over because of the amount of pleasure we were getting from our mate. I sighed as I got out of bed, only feeling a slight bit of pain, but nothing I couldn't handle.

I walked towards the bathroom and started taking a shower, a smile was prominent on my face as it was hard to get rid of the image of Arlo being on top of me.

After I was done, I brushed my teeth and wrap a towel around my waist, I wanted to go and see if he were up. Shaking my head, I smiled as I saw that he was still sleeping. I then walked up to him and started kissing him, trying to get him to wake up.

“Come on love, it's almost ten in the morning, you need to get something to eat.” I whispered in his ears, but he only frowned in return, I decided to leave him there, so I could go get dressed and get him something to eat.

I was making my way downstairs when I bumped into Malachi who had a confused look on his face, I then asked him what the problem was and what he said had my heartbreaking for him.

“I-is today February third?” He asked, and I nodded my head and watched as his eyes became wide.

“I can't believe I forgot!” He shouted while shaking his head.

“What are you talking about?” I asked and he sighed and looked at me.

“Never mind, it's too late anyway, I shouldn't be acting like such a drama king or queen as you'd put it. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to my room.” He still had this sad look on his face, I decided to let it go for now since he wouldn't tell me what the issue was.

I made my way towards the kitchen and saw Arlo's parents there getting something to drink.

“Good morning, I was just going to come and check on Arlo to see how he's doing.” Arlo's mother said, and I nodded my head.

“He's still sleeping, you would have to wait until he's up.” She nodded her head, but I could tell she didn't like me very much, which was ok with me though since I didn't care.

"I spoke to the principal at Arlo's school and told him about the move, so I thought Arlo should know about that.” Why would any principal need to know about stuff like that? It shouldn't be his problem, but I guess it's some sort of rule or something.

“I'm just going to get something for Arlo to eat and see if I can get him to wake up, so if you'll excuse me…" I walked away from them, but not before hearing Arlo's father calling me rude. After getting something to eat, I made my way back to my room and saw Arlo was sitting up on the bed while rubbing his eyes.

“Aww look how cute you are acting right now.” I teased and he blushed and rolled his eyes.

“ You're being cringe AF.” I narrowed my eyes at him and put the tray down, then jumped on the bed and pulled him towards me.

“I will always be that way with you, so learn to deal with it.” He started laughing as I tickled him, telling me to stop, which I did.

“Um Jacob, Micah informed me that he and Landon are going fishing today at the lake here, can I go with them please?” He asked, and I sighed because I knew he wasn't going to let this go if I said no.

“Of course, you can go, love, but not without me or your family if they want to come with us. Malachi can even tag along if he likes, I saw him earlier, and he looked sad, this will be a way of cheering him up.” He nodded his head and sighed, then made his way towards the bathroom.

We were now at the lake with our fishing gears, getting ready. I handed a hat to Arlo because the sun was hot today, he only shrugged his shoulders and put it on. I couldn't help but feel content by listening to everyone talk at the same time and hearing their laughter.

I looked at Malachi, who still had a sad look on his face, so I walked up to him and pulled him away from the others, so that we could talk. I was only playing the role of the big brother, so might as well find out what's bothering him.

“It's my birthday today.” He replied, and my eyes became wide.

“Why didn't you tell us? We could have celebrated it.” He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

“I don't even remember celebrating my birthday back at my pack, it somehow slipped my mind because of that. I only remembered it because it was the day I was found by my alpha and I still had the blanket that had that date on it, saying it was my birthday.” I felt a wave of anger towards his old alpha inside of me that I'd never felt before, I wanted to end him. To make sure he never thinks about mistreating anyone else ever again.

“What was the name of your pack?” I asked, and he looked at me skeptically before answering.

“It's called the dark shadow pack.” He replied, and I stored away that information for later use, what? I was just going to pop in and say hello…Sykes, as I said earlier, it was my duty to demote any alpha of their title who was mistreating their pack members.

“Well don't worry about anything, we can still celebrate your birthday if it works for you?” His eyes became wide with excitement as he started jumping up and down.

“Really? What's it like? Will everyone be there? Am I going to get presents?” I chuckled and told him yes to everything he was saying, we had to figure something out.

We were going to spend the day at the lake, but we could still celebrate his birthday tomorrow, I just have to tell everyone, so that we could give him one of the best birthday party ever.

Arlo (bxb) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt