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"Severide! You're not going back in that house!"
Chief barked orders as Kelly handed off one victim and started inside for the one he had to leave behind.

"Chief, there's one more victim, give me two minutes!"
His voice came out muffled because he had his mask still on.
Chief huffed

"Two minutes, make it faster. Go!"

Kelly ran headlong into the open front door of the single floor home, where dark black smoke was billowing out.
It was smokier than before inside, making it hard to find the other person.

"Over here!"
He heard the faint call of a woman, to his left. Reaching in the smoke blindly he found a pair of hands reaching out. Without thinking he grabbed them and tossed the woman over his shoulder.

"Severide! Get out! Now!"
Chiefs gruff voice came over the radio

He heard cracking above him, a sign that the roof was about to give way. He held the victim close to his body and made a run for the door.
As he made it across the threshold of the door the roof fell in sending a wave of heat and ash into the air.
Stella looked for any sign of him in the dense smokey air.


"Over here! I need a medic!"

He effortlessly made his way to the ambulance, handing the victim over to Brett.

Stella ran over as he was removing his helmet and mask.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

"You sure?"

He smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm fine."

He made his way back over to the Squad truck to get ready for overhaul.

"Nice save on your first day back Lieutenant, how's it feel?"

"Like riding a bike Capp. Just do me a favour?"

"Yeah sure"

"Not a word of this to Sadie?"

Pulling back into the firehouse, everyone started unloading from the trucks.
They didn't get their bunker gear off before another call came over the loudspeaker.

"Truck 81, Engine 51, Squad 3, Ambulance 61. Fire Alarm, 151 North Racine Avenue."

"Alright everyone, load back up!"
Chief shouted before getting in his buggy.

As the trucks left the bays, Cruze shouted to Severide.

"Isn't that Sadie's school?!"

"Yeah, just drive!"
Kelly ordered, trying to sound calm and collected, but everyone could see the worry on his face.

Pulling up to the school, students filled the grassy areas in front.
Getting closer they saw a group of school administrators waiting for them by the curb.
Chief got out of his buggy and quickly made his way over to them.

"I apologise Chief, everything is fine here. A student pulled the fire alarm."
An older balding man with grey hair wearing a blue button down shirt, whom everyone assumed was the principal apologised to the group of firefighters standing in front of him.

"Do you know who pulled it?"

"Yes we do. Our School Resource Officer is looking for them now."

A few minutes later they heard a voice

"Let go of me! I didn't do anything!"

"I got her right here Mr. Ostein"

The Officer ushered the girl closer, Chiefs brow furrowed.


An Unexpected Family Reunion: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now