Manic Monday *REVISED*

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Monday morning Sadie made her way into the kitchen seeing that Stella and Kelly were dressed for work and drinking their morning coffee.
"Morning Kiddo"
Stella greeting, getting an unhappy look from Sadie.
"What's wrong?"
"Can I skip school today? And go to the firehouse with yall?"
Sadie slumped onto a stool at the counter, grabbing a banana from the basket.
Stella took a sip of coffee and looked towards her fiance, looking for a response so she didn't have to be the bad guy.

"No Sades, you have to go to school."
Kelly answered, figuring she had a test or something she wasnt ready for.

"Fine...Stella can you do my hair?"

Sadie hardly ever let Stella touch her hair, much to Stella's disappointment. She and Sadie had grown close over the past few months.

She pranced over to Sadie, coming up behind her.

"What are we doing?"

She asked, grabbing her brush running it through Sadie's long blonde hair.

"Braids? Like you wear it for work?"

Kelly smiled watching the two girls interact.

"Well while you two are getting even prettier, I'm going to head out."
He grabbed his bag

"Kelly, you gotta take me to school!"

Sadie whined as Stella was halfway through the first braid.

"Stella can take you."

"I want you to take me...please?" She begged with a pout

"Ok ok, I'll wait."

Finally in the car Sadie turned up on the song on the radio 'Cheap Thrills' by Sia.

She starting dancing in her seat singing the lyrics out loud, Kelly laughed.
"I thought you didn't feel good"

"I never said I didn't feel good, I just dont feel like going to school."

A few minutes later they stopped in front of the large brick building.

"Have a good day, Sades, love you."

Kelly gave Sadie his usual kiss on the cheek. She went to get out, but then stopped, turned and hugged him.

"I love you Kelly, be careful today."
She kissed him on his cheek and hopped out of the car. He watched as she looked back and waved while walking towards the school.

Arriving at Firehouse 51 Kelly made his way to the locker room, stowing his bag in his locker. Stella came in and sat on the bench behind him.

"Is Sadie ok?"

She asked, curious to see if Kelly thought what she did.

"Yeah, she seemed fine. It's just odd, she never asks to stay out of school. I even got an extra hug before she got out of the car."

Stella raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"I wonder what shes sucking up for."
This earned a laugh from Kelly
"Or she got in trouble and we dont know it yet."

She said, giving Kelly a kiss before going off to attend to her own duties for the day.

Around lunchtime the bells sounded in the house.

"Ambulance 61, Truck 31, Squad 3
Engine 51, Fire Alarm,151 North Racine Avenue"

There was an audible groan from everyone in the room.

Herman said what everyone was thinking. It was Sadie's school again, everyone thinking it was going to be another false alarm.

Halfway to the location dispatch once again came over the radio.

"All responding units, please be advised this call has been upgraded from Fire Alarm to Active Shooter. Stage along the perimeter of the school, do not enter the building."

Squad watched as Kelly visibly paled. Everyone became silent not just because of the situation, but who was in the middle of it.

***Authors Note: Thank you everyone so much for reading, and the votes! It has been a long time since I've written a fanfiction for public view. With your support 'An Unexpected Family Reunion' is now #1 in #chicagofire and #Stellaride! And no one I personally know, knows I write at all. So celebrate with me! Yayyyyy! 🤗****

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