-20- [E]

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That might be my favorite song ever ^^^


Alcrais P.O.V

"Uh Marty, I'm sorry let me handle this!", I said rather sternly at my so called mother direction. Her face is red probably because she's trying so hard and yelling at Marty. Marty's a 35 years old brown skinned mother, she has two child's and her husband died from cancer two year's ago. She's so sweet to me and I always talk to her about stuff aside from Rosé but she doesn't know about my so called mother yet.

"Alcrais! I've been waiting for you!", Evelyn screamed for no reason. I sigh yet again and walk passing her into behind the counter. "Hey! Is that how you supposed to treat your mother?!", She raised her voice even more and I honestly so embarrassed for her.

"Lady, quiet down! You're making a scene and been harassing us for ten minutes! I could get a police for you!", Marty interject crossing her arms on her chest.

"You shut it you evil woman!", Evelyn screamed yet again. That's funny because the actual evil woman is her in here.

"Who you calling evil woman, blabbering woman?!", Marty snapped, I decided to step and tell Marty that I got this and she look at me then nod her head.

"Evelyn, you already come here you already know my answer. I don't want to move in with your new family nor I want to be 'converted' for that matter so please just leave me alone!", I snapped, "you were doing just that and I was doing just fine, without you! So please don't act like you suddenly care!", I continue and I can feel me getting emotional when I say that.

This woman gave birth to me then her and my so called dad always leave me with my grandma when I was younger and they're going god knows where. She left me with my alcoholic dad when she found out I'm gay. Now suddenly she wants to care and want me to move in with her? I don't want that shit anymore. I want to be free from her or my dad.

"Alcrais I am your moth-" and I laugh bitterly cutting her off.

"You're never mother to me Evelyn, you're only a land to Brad's seed and I'm the plant that's raising by myself!", I stated coldly and with that she screams yet again.

"I TRIED TO FIX IT WITH YOU NOW BUT YOU'RE SO DISRESPECTFUL TO ME! I WISH TO GOD YOU'RE ROTTING IN THE DEEP HELL! WITH ALL OF THE FAGGOTS IN THIS WORLD!!", and by then everyone is recording her going rage like a monster. She should be embarrassed. "ALL OF YOU TOO HERE, THAT RECORDING ME AND ALL! YOU WON'T SEE HEAVEN!", screaming at the customers and the customers starting to boo her.

"Aye lady! We're here trying to enjoy this wonderful bread and cookies! I ain't letting this taste by your big ass mouth!", I hear a black guy shouted from across the room from his seat. She's fumming but before she can say another word Rosé come in with two police behind her.

"Officers this lady been harassing us since two weeks ago and also our customers!", Rosé sternly said glaring at Evelyn direction and the cops come get closer to Evelyn.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU CAN'T ARREST ME!", she screamed like crazy.

"Ma'am, we heard complain about you harassing this bakery for sometimes and it seems like the complain is actually true.", Officer Red said he then with ease grab one of Evelyn hand and cuff it and she's screaming like crazy.

"YOU'RE GOING TO PAY THIS, YOU FAGGOT AND YOU SLUT WOMAN!", as she gets ushered by the police to the police car. As soon as she's gone I go back to the pantry then breakdown crying, I feel Marty hugging me from besides as I lean into her.

"Honey, she's gone now don't worry!", Marty soothes me soon I feel Rosé joining from my right side and hug me too. After like five minutes of me embarrassingly crying I wipe off my tears and tell them I'm finally fine. Rosé then told me that she tells everything to the police about Evelyn harassment and she could potentially be jailed for couple violation and I honestly just feel better that she probably won't bother me again.

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