8. Pain Killing Poison❤️

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It was Friday night and Hank and Teddy had spent a whole week together. Other than Monday and Tuesday he had managed to pick her up from practice He liked picking her up from practice it gave him time to get to know the kid. He had learned a few things from her this week; she didn't like mushrooms, her best friends name was Lexie, and she had a weird fear of peacocks.

Voight would of been surprised by her plans to stay home Friday night, but he heard Teddy talking on the phone about how she had practice and team breakfast Saturday morning, so she couldn't go to this boy named "Liam's" party. He wasn't eavesdropping or anything, he could just hear her talking from the living room when she was sitting outside on his porch swing. That's seemed to be her favorite place. She loved to put a jacket on and sit out there and do her homework, or talk on the phone. He liked how she was slowly finding out that she didn't have to hide from him in her room, like he knew she did with Frank.

That's what she was doing now actually. She was sitting outside with a blanket and what Voight knew to be her Calculus book, cross legged doing her homework. She was a really easy kid, much easier than Erin ever was. She always came home after practice and went outside to do her homework. The days Voight didn't just drop her off, they'd sit at the dinner table and have dinner together, sparking up conversations about their days, and school. Then even when he insisted she didn't have to help, she helped clean the dinner mess. They had gotten into a routine of him washing, and her drying.

He hadn't mentioned anything about the custody papers yet. He was saving that for tonight. Right now he was sitting at the dinner table writing out a grocery list. He figured he would go today so he didn't have to worry about it this weekend. Voight had told Teddy to write some stuff on the piece of paper on the fridge, but she hadn't put anything down.

"Hey Teddy can you come in here. Real quick? " He asked poking his head out the door. Voight wore a white V-neck and a pair of dark jeans. It was still a little weird for Teddy to see Voight in anything other than a leather jacket and dress shirt . Everything else just wasn't Voight.

She set down her calculus book, and put the cap on her pen and smiling at him.

"Yeah I'll be there in one sec." The thing Teddy still couldn't figure out with Voight was how to read him. She couldn't tell if she was in trouble or if he was mad. His voice was always that unique but comforting deep raspy sound. She imagined that she would know if she was in trouble, but she wasn't sure.

"Hey what do you need?"

Her voice was soft as she carried the blanket in in one hand and shutting the door with the other. Though her voice was soft she still beamed with confidence something he was happy I see.

"I'm not in trouble am I."

"Of course not Teddy, you just didn't write anything down on the list."

"Oh I figured whatever you pick is fine, I eat anything. "

"That wasn't the point Teddy, I wanted you to put down some special things you wanted."

"I'm fine, really Hank, the food you usually get is plenty." She smiled a reassuring smile.

"I'll be right back I'm going to throw this in my room." She raised the Calculus book up to in the air. She made her way to her room set down her book and made her way back.

"Teddy, what's your favorite kind of ice cream?" Voight asked as she walked into the living area.

His whole house was an open concept. The dark hardwood floors lead from the kitchen to the living and dining area. No doors between them. It would be perfect if you had company, not that Voight did very often. You could cook and mingle at the same time. From one side of the living room a hallway led to the bedrooms and bathrooms. It wasn't too small, and it wasn't too big either. It was a perfect family home that had been remodeled many times by Misses Voight.

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