15.Birthday girl 🎂

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"So Voight's having a little surprise party for Teddy tomorrow night, and he was wondering if you wanted to come." Erin grinned as she sat on the side of Halstead's desk.

"Is this you inviting me, or is it him?" He smoothed his slicked back hair and sat back in his chair.

"It was him, but I wouldn't mind if you showed up." She teased.

"What time?"

"Seven o'clock."

"I'll be there." He smiled.

"Good." Erin pushed herself off of his desk and walked over to Antonio.

"Hey Erin!" Halstead called. "Aren't you going to tell me what time you're going to pick me up? That was code for a date right?"

She turned around and rolled her eyes at him. Voight walked out of his office.

"What did you just say, Halstead?"

He could have slapped himself in the face right there. "I just told Erin that I would love to be there for Teddy tomorrow night, that's all."

"Good. Don't let Teddy know, it's a secret."

"You know what's weird?" Adam asked, looking over at Voight.


"She hasn't mentioned her birthday at all. I mean when I was turning sixteen I couldn't stop talking about it. You get your license when you're sixteen, it's the best age to turn, and you wouldn't even know it was her birthday.

"You know how the kid is, Ruzek. She just doesn't like to fuss over things; she hates to draw attention to herself." Jay chimed in.

"Yeah, what Halstead said." Voight responded. "This is her first birthday with me, and probably the first one she's celebrated at home so I want to make it really special, so don't act like jackasses."

"It'll be fun boss, I promise." Adam answered, tossing the styrofoam cup he was drinking from into the garbage.

"Did you invite her friends, or is this a family thing?"

"She's going out tonight, and when I asked her if she needed some cash she said no, so I imagine they're celebrating tonight",

Voight looked around the floor at his team. "I think we've done enough work today. Why don't you guys leave early tonight, and be at my house at seven o'clock. Erin will let you in; I'll be with the birthday girl stalling."

"Sounds good to me." She smiled and looked over at Voight. "What are you guys doing tonight?"

"I'm going to wait for Teddy's friends to pick her up and then I have to pick up her birthday gift from the jeweler."

"Call me when you get back and Ill stop by to arrange things for tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll call you in a little bit; I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Teddy walked out of her room in the morning rubbing her eyes and pulling her hair back in a ponytail. The white t-shirt she wore was wrinkled from her night's sleep.

"Good morning sleepy head, you're awake. We have a big day ahead of us." A raspy voice called from the kitchen. Teddy jumped from his presence.

"What?" She was still groggy.

"Well I heard it was a certain girl's birthday." Her face lit up at his words.

"You know?" She grinned as he patted the bar stool for her to sit on."

"Of course I know, and we have plans today."

"We do?"

"Yes indeed, we do. Right now we are eating." He put two chocolate chip pancakes on the plate in front of her and then two more on his.

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