13. Scrappy 🤜

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"Frosted Flakes, or toast?" Hank asked as Teddy was walking into the kitchen.

"You seem like you're in a good mood this morning" Teddy smiled. She sat herself down and pointed to the box of Frosted Flakes that Hank was holding.

"I'm always in a good mood."

"Okay." Teddy smirked and fixed her white blouse so it wasn't falling down her shoulder.

Hank chuckled. "Don't start."

He took two bowls out of the cupboard and poured cereal into both of them, and then followed them with milk. He set one in front of Teddy and then slid on to the stool next to her.

"What?" He looked over and the brunette was chuckling.

"It's funny to see you eating cereal." Her eyes lit up making him smile himself.

"Me..." He held his hand to his chest, pretending to be offended.

"I mean like frosted flakes, you look more like a cheerio guy."

His mouth dropped open. "I am hurt." He joked. "Am I that old that I am restricted to cheerios? Tell me, do I get to eat the honey nut kind, or am I so old that I have to eat the whole grain plain ones.

Teddy tried her best to swallow her orange juice before giggling uncontrollably.

"Eat up, you're going to be late." She looked at him and grinned.

She ate her cereal while she watched him eat his. He squinted at the box as he tried to read it. She was enthralled with joy seeing him like that. He stood up and took his bowl to the sink.

She spooned some cereal into her mouth knowing that the time was nearing where they would have to leave.

"Car, five minutes." His tone was serious but the playfulness still lingered in his eyes.

'Aye Aye, captain." She saluted him and followed him over to the sink placing her bowl on top of his.

"I have to go grab my backpack and I'll be out."

"Okay. 3 minutes." He called after her.

Three minutes later she was sitting in the car next to him as he pulled out of the garage into the sunlight.

"Is it okay if I go for a run today after school. It's really nice out, and now that I don't have track I don't have anything better to do?"

"Let me guess you already had your shoes in your bag."

."Maybe." She bit her lip.

"Yeah, that's no problem. I'll pick you up the same time I do from practice."

"Thank you."

"You're just running around campus right?"


"Okay. I'll text you when I'm on my way."

"Sounds good."

He pulled up to the front entrance of the school and stopped the car.

"See you later, Hank."

"Have a great day, Teddy."

He handed her her backpack and watched as she walked to the front door of the building. Five years ago he would never imagine pulling up to a school to drop off a kid again, but boy he was wrong. He even enjoyed it. It almost made him feel young again. Some nights he sat awake thinking about his life and what he had gotten himself into. Having Justin, taking in Erin, and now raising by far the sweetest of the three, Teddy. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of person he would be if Camille wouldn't of been so open about taking Erin in. It wasn't often that a grown man pitched Idea to his wife that he wanted to move a fifteen year old girl into his house. It sounded creepy for a grown man to even ask that. Now all he could think about was what would be of Teddy, if Voight never moved Erin in all those years ago. Without Erin, Voight would of spiraled out of control with Camille's death, and he would of never let that idea cross his mind.

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