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Hey lovelies... missed me ? No ? well I'm hurt ... you badddddddddd people you broke my innocent heartue..   😣😣

Okay okay enough with the bullshit of mine ... 😜😜


Next morning Jungkook woke up with a bad headache. He felt like someone had hitting his head with a hammer.

He was still in his bed, too lazy to get up. Just as he was about to get up from his bed he felt a knot in his stomach .

Hurriedly he got off from his bed and rushed to the bathroom and kneel down and started vomiting.

After taking out everything from his tummy, e washed his face with the cold water and then he heard a knock on his door.

"Jungkook, are you okay?" He heard Taehyung's voice from behind the door.

"Just a minute!" Jungkook yelled.

He flushed the toilet and cleaned his hands with tissues, before opening the door.

" were you throwing up?" Taehyung asked with concern visible in his tone.

"Yeah.. feeling a little sick." Jungkook said.

"You are looking pale." Taehyung came closer to the younger and brought his one hand to the younger's forehead to check his temperature.

"you don't have fever ... that's relief.. should I call uncle ?"

"No .. don't bother I'm fine." Jungkook stop him before he could walk away. "Where is Hobi hyung.?"

"In his room." Taehyung replied.. " Are you sure you are fine.?"

Jungkook nodded his head." It's okay really... Must have eaten something last night... "

"Kookie!" Taehyung called out after Jungkook as," You are not i-I m-mean it's not p-possible , right?" well everyone knew Jungkook was a natural fertile . so he is capable in givenbirth like women.

Jungkook tried to hide his surprised face and shook his head instantly... Jungkook surely knew what he meant.."No... it's not what you are thinking.."

"But you and Baek.." Taehyung trailed off. " Did you guys used protection right?"

"y-yes .. it's n-not that .. don't worry." Jungkook lied and blushed hard. "I'll see you in a bit."

There was no way Jungkook could get pregnant, though Baek and he risked it by nit using protection but they were thinking . After everything happened he had took pills next morning.

If there was a any small chance that Jungkook could be pregnant then he needed to know. Jungkook couldn't imagine his life as a teen mommy. This wasn't suppose to happen. Not like this , not with his ex boyfie . not this age.

Jungkook hurriedly get his phone and texted Jimin to meet him at the college. At this moment he could only trust his bestfriend Jimin. IF he was pregnant he needed to know.


As soon as he saw Taehyung and Hoseok went to their classed , Jungkook took the chance and slipped away from them and went to meet Jimin.

Rushing to his side, Jungkook cried out as soon as Jimin embraced him into a tight hug.

"What's happened ? kookie why are you looking worried?" Jimin asked , pulling away from the younger."What's wrong?"

Jimin wiped his tears , pouting as Jimin saw him bawling his eyes out.

I think I'm pregnant Minnie..:" Jungkook cried out.

Jimin's eyes popped out, gasping as the words came out from the younger's mouth.

"No fucking way.." jimin said, not believing the younger. "You took a test? How do you know?"

Jungkook shook his head, sniffing ."That's why I asked you to meet me here. I need to get tested. Beside Taehyung saw me throwing up in the morning. He even asked me if I'm pregnant or not."

"So Taehyung knows?" Jimin asked.

"No I lied to him.. " Jungkook said, running a hand through his head. " we have to go now .."

Jungkook grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him as they jog to the nearest but stop and wait impatiently.

"I'm so dead." Jungkook whispered , wiping away the remaining tears on his face.

"Relax, you don't even know if you are really pregnant ... just breathe." Jimin tried to assure the younger.

"You can't tell me to relax, Minnie . there is a huge possibility I can be pregnant you know.." Jungkook let out, feeling irritated.

They both stood at the bus stand waiting for the bus.

" Everything will going to be fine.. kookie.." Jimin said, rubbing his shoulder.

As the bus stop at the red light. Jungkook impatiently tap his foot on the ground. He turned to Jimin and was about to speak when a car honks besides them.

Jungkook turned around, gasping to himself when Taehyung's car appeared on the side of the side walk.

"Where you guys are heading to?"

[To Be Continued]


What you guys think what will happen next..?

Leave your thoughts and don't forget to vote.. yeah?^_^ 💕💕

Yahh you didn't follow me yet???? i'm hurt i'm very very very hurt... hmph not gonna talk with you guys...... hmph....  😠😠

Your Author- nim :Mavae~ 💜💜


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