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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

Sara was walking with the fast pace towards the third floor of the school, that's where the senior classes are.

Her body parts wasn't in good coordination yet she still managed to climb up to the stairs and run to the third floor, after all that she saw she needs to get out of this school and find her friend, and for that she first need to tell Min-Jae everything.

She saw everything that happened near the lockers, she was on her way to Taehyung so they can go to gym together but before she can approach him, she was stunned to the ground when she saw how badly Yoongi punched him and what happened after. She wanted to confront her friend but before that she saw Jungkook taking Taehyung by his hand and dragging him to the parking lot.

In the hurry she followed them but got distracted when one of her classmate stopped her in her way. She tried her best to run after but the girl wanted to know about some class notes so she was bound to stand beside her and tell her. Thought she tried her best to hurry up but it still took her time and she saw Yoongi and his little gang running towards the parking lot.

She tried to call someone but her phone slipped out of her hands and one of the boys stepped on him breaking the screen. She was left with finding them on her on, she ran and ran making way to the parking lot and was happy when she saw Taehyung successfully hiding there by the wall, Yoongi was on the opposite side that means Taehyung is safe.

All she wanted was to go to him and confront him, she saw how scared and in pain Taehyung was, she needed to be there for him so she took slow and careful steps towards Taehyung. It's said that sometimes it's just the luck that isn't on your side. It was that day, before she could reach him, she saw Taehyung was pulled out of his hiding place by a grip over his neck and got his weak figure smashed by the car frame.

Sara won't lie, she could literally she trough Taehyung and she can tell how fast Taehyung's heart must be beating. The way his eyes widened and he winched in pain made it clear that the blow was hard enough to shake his entire body. Sara can tell Taehyung might pass out any time now. Now she wants to curse Jungkook so bad, if he saved him from there why left him here alone.

She had no choice but to think of any other distraction so that Yoongi get a bit distracted and she can get him out of here. A long shot but yes she can atleast try. She looked around and found a small piece of mirror and that was enough for her to hit it right at Yoongi, well it'll do two things, hurt yoongi and can create distraction.

She picked it up and positioned herself for the hit but before she could do anything, the scene infront of her made her gasp in horror and she put a hand on her mouth to refrain a scream from erupting her mouth. Yoongi just crushed Taehyung's hand in between the car door and after that, before she can recover he did it again. The agonizing cried of Taehyung made tears welled in her eyes too. Poor boy didn't do anything yet he has to suffer by the hands of the devils.

She saw how Yoongi left and how after everything Jungkook came back, now that she see him she can tell that it was all planned, it was all the planning of two friends making Taehyung suffer. She wanted to pull him by the collar and slap him till she gets tired but she got no strength to even take a step and just before her eyes Jungkook took Taehyung in his car and left right behind Yoongi.

That made Sara think that she has to stand up and find someone who can help Taehyung as these both friends can do anything to the innocent blond.

She wonder that her body isn't coming back to it's normal condition till now, what will be the condition of Taehyung and just a thought of her friend made her senses back in line, she was on her way to Min-Jae's class.

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