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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

Jimin was in the living room, sitting on the couch with laptop over his lap and he was focused on the laptop screen. His hands typing on the laptop with full speed.

The ding of his phone's made him dart his eyes off the laptop screen. He looked at the message and it was Jungkook telling him that he might get late so he shouldn't wait for him at dinner today. At first it was a bit suspicious for him but then he let it slip thinking Jungkook must have plan with Hobi and Yoongi.

Replying to his message Jimin got back to his work. He was just about to complete the report that he has to send to Lee today. Lia told him to be extra careful while working cz Lee wants the final year report to be flawless.

Jimin is an hardworking employee and he believes in working to his full potential. He planned to finish it right now and then after dinner he'd give it a read and them send it to Lee.

"Ouff." Cracking his knuckles he snapped his neck as sitting for three hours straight working on his laptop has put a strain on his spine and back. "Finally"

Finishing it, he closed the lid of laptop right away. Standing up he went to soo Taehyung still sleeping soundly and just by the look Jimin couldn't stop smiling. He has seen this Taehyung after so long.

And "ahjushi" was the best part. But he has seen change in Jungkook, never have he ever saw Jungkook this calm. And everything points it to his suspicion that Jungkook is attracted towards Taehyung.

And his heart doesn't allow the thought of them being together. He has seen Jungkook so closely, more than anyone and despite his love and affection towards him, Jimin can't ever think of Jungkook being the perfect guy for Taehyung.

Taehyung is something else, he's soft, fragile, delicate and anything that is of same meaning. He deserves someone who can handle him the way he is, who can cherish him full but Jungkook isn't someone like that. Jungkook cares but he's not that of a softie at heart.

In conclusion, Jimin doesn't approve this relationship. That's exactly why he stopped Jungkook even when Taehyung just got here. He doesn't like how Jungkook is non-serious about his relationships, and Taehyung is the exact opposite, he cares and invests his deep interests and emotions into a relationship.

The core of their believes is totally different. And then is the difference of experience, Taehyung had different experience with his relationships, he believes relationships always are loving and the hub of love for you but Jungkook had different experience, according to him submission in a relationship is your defeat and he believes in being the alpha wherever he is.

Jungkook is not suitable for Taehyung!!!! Period.

"Bear." Walking close to the fluffy being, he bent down and caged Taehyung in between his arms. "Wake up,"

"Umm, five more minutes please." Whining Taehyung rolled over but failed when Jimin kept him caged in between.

"Baby bear, I've made myself a promise that I'd never ever let you even walk closer to the bar. This TaeTae is so contagious, you'll be the death of me." Chuckling he pecked Taehyung's forehead making Taehyung finally open his eyes.

"Ugh, you are wetting my face." He whined one more time.

"I can even eat you, you are looking so dainty right now." Jimin teased him more.

"Get off me, you beast." Pushing him aside Taehyung sat up.

"Finally you are up," Jimin laughed and gave him a kiss on his forehead again.

"Noo~" Taehyung tried to glare but he was too sleepy that he again fell back on the bed. Hugging the covers close to his body even more.

"Fine then, i should ask Lia not to come over with Sophie." Jimin stood up. He knew where to hit when it comes to take Taehyung off the bed.

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