Davon/Damon finale

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Werewolf realm

In a far away kingdom, a circular fortification stands over a few kilometres with different patrol stations in duty. Inside, houses engineered out of rocks stand circling  a castle in the middle. This last one is protected by a dense forest behind and a circular fortification with entrances heavily guarded monitoring any entry in or out.

Was it to keep the ennemis out or to keep the people in? Some would wonder.

Inside the main tower, a ragged man with pulsing vains and an animalistic sound screams his lungs out.
"You had people over! Without my consent!".

He punches Damon in the stomach. Seeing no reaction, he punched his chin. A few teeth come off. Both of them are breathing heavily one out of rage and the second out of physical pain.

Damon doesn't let a sound get out. His wolf is weak but their will is not. Just like him, his wolf is stubborn. Davon was a beast with no mercy, but Damon knew how to handle him.

The visit Damon received earlier that week was unexpected, but rewarding in so many ways. He received news from his daughter. Best of all, he sent instructions. He knew now that the plan was in motion. All his suffering wasn't in vain.

For years, fear harvested in his gut. He got scared for a while that Isabella, his wife, would get things her way sentencing this realm into slavery. Isabella was so scared to come back that she would do anything to prevent anyone from getting across the portals. It was surprising that she hadn't done so after he was captured.

Their last years on this side as a family of three was a nightmare. Starting with the king falling sick, to Davon making his way up to the throne and Damon losing all power and becoming a traitor to the kingdom.

They flew out of the kingdom at the nick of time, taking their precious daughter back with them and avoiding getting caught.

Holding a groan, Damon keeps himself from reacting to the beating Davon is giving him. It would  only make it last longer, his soul finds lust in blood. He's learned his lesson over the past six years. Damon hates it, but it's part of the game if he wants to remain alive.

Davon smirks and walks back.

"I don't know, who is still on your side after so long." He bends to look at my body from another angle. "You are pathetic, who would want you back? Perhaps your whore of a wife!"
He pulls up a hand-full bunch of hair, in a swift movement Davon is standing and lifting Damon crippled body to his height.

Damon muscles stretch cracking under the movement crippled after sitting for so long in that torture chair. His spinal cord finds some release from its initial position. One can find so little joy in such a disastrous circumstances.

The king claps his hands.

Servants come in, stripped me regardless of my injuries still bleeding they do what they were order to do. Cold Water is splashed over me, followed by soap.

Damon hissed and Davon laughed. The soap is burning the open injuries and a smell of decay filled the air. With all the wolfsbane in his system, Damon has lost his healing ability. His wounds had been untreated making his body rot making a feast for insects.

"Come-on ! Don't tell me taking a shower is torture for You. Such a wimp!" He laugh with contempt.

Followed by another blast of cold water, Damon bits his inner cheek but was too late to act letting a groan escape.

Davon laughs hysterically.
"I forgot to tell you, I added a little extra." He laughs again, "It should prevent you from doing anything stupid."

Then, a-shot is given to his tight and a collar is added to his neck. Davon is taking him out of the main tower.

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