Chapter thirteen: Surprise!

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Two weeks later:

The past two weeks have been peaceful. Justin and I have been spending every night together, and I don't want it to change. Sadly, this past week I have been getting morning sickness. I'm not fully sure if that's normal. Everywhere I look on the internet it says every pregnancy is different.

Today is my first appointment and I'm honestly kind of excited. Matt drove down last night so he didn't have to wake up early. He explained that our parents were in Florida for a meeting, so he didn't have to make an excuse.

I am currently trying to find something to wear to the doctors. I decide on jeans and a short sleeve white shirt with navy blue stripes. I put on my navy blue vans and a key necklace. I brush through my hair, leaving it down in its long waves. I don't bother with makeup, considering it's just a doctor's appointment and I don't look all that bad.

I brush my teeth for the third time and hurry downstairs. Matt is leaning against the wall, and Justin is leaning against the door. It's only seven thirty, so Jade and Mike aren't up yet.

"Ready?" Matt asks. I nod my head and we walk out to Matt's car. I get in the passenger seat and Justin gets in the back. "Okay, quick question: do you want me in the room with you two?"

"Matt, of course we want you there." I say, smiling at him.

"Okay." He says and starts driving down the street.

We pull in the parking lot and hop out of the car. Justin takes my hand and Matt walks in front of us. We walk through the door and I notice that there are already a few other moms waiting. They are all at different stages of pregnancy, but they stare at me with the same look of mild disgust. I know what they're thinking: another one. I turn away as we reach the desk.

"Nicole Adams?" She asks and I nod my head. "And who do you have with you today?" She smiles.

"The father, and my brother." I say and she smiles even bigger.

"Take a seat we will be with you shortly." We do as we are told, I sit between Justin and Matt. Justin plays with my hand, and I can tell he's a little nervous.

"All these moms are staring at us." Matt whispers in my ear. I look at him give a small smile.

"I know."

"Nicole Adams." A nurse calls as she steps through a door. All three of us get up and follow her into a white room. "Please sit on the table, the doctor will be with you shortly." She says before she walks out. I look around at all of the stuff and begin to feel nervous.

The door opens and a lady in a lab coat walks in. She is clearly a little older and her hair is held out of her eyes by a clip. "Hello. I'm Doctor Stevens. So today is your first ultrasound?"


"How exciting. Any questions before we begin?"

"Um... Yes. I've had morning sickness every day for a week now. It just started recently, is that normal?"

"Yes it's normal, and you could have it throughout the pregnancy too, but don't worry." I smile and begin to feel a little better. "So, who do we have with us today?"

"My brother, Matt, and my baby's father, Justin." I say, gesturing to them.

"Well hello." She says shaking their hands. "Okay, Nicole I'm going to put this gel onto your stomach and, a little warning, most mothers say it's cold. So, can you please lift up your shirt a little." I laugh and do what she asks. She spreads it on, and yes, it's kind of cold. "Alright, now let's start this ultrasound."

She puts the little stick thingy on my stomach and starts moving it around. Then I heard the heart beat, it sounds like a train. Justin takes my hand and I feel tears surround my eyes. He brings my hand to his mouth and kisses it. I smile and look at the screen but I'm stumped, where is my baby?

"I don't see it...?" Matt says, voicing my own thoughts. The doctor chuckles.

"Here's your baby... Oh wait... It looks like there's two." She looks from the screen to us. "You're having twins!" She says excitedly. She looks back to the screen and points them out.

"Oh my god, Justin. We're having twins." I say and feel more tears start to pool in my eyes before sliding down my cheeks. I don't know if I'm scared or not, but I look at Justin with a smile. At first, you can tell it scared him but then he smiles and kisses my lips quickly.

"Are you kidding? Twins?" Matt says, still not sure of what is going on.

"Yes, twins." The doctor confirms. "Would you guys like a picture?"

"Yes please." I say.

"Alright let's get this gel off." She says, standing up. She cleans me off and leaves to get the picture, and I sit up wiping the tears off my cheeks. She comes back with the picture and hands it to me. "Oh, the due date. Your babies's due date is December 18th."

"December 18th." I repeat, confirming it. She just smiles and nods.

"Yes, but with twins they might come a little earlier." I nod my head and she looks at the guys. "Well congratulations. If you need to or if you have any more questions, feel free to call, and before you leave be sure to make another appointment. I would have it in eight weeks, when you will be 18 weeks along." I nod and she smiles again before she leaves.

After we make the appointment we head to the car.

"Are you ready for two babies?" Matt asks.

"We can do it, don't worry." Justin says. I smile and Justin does too. "I going to be a dad to two babies." He says and kisses me on the lips again, taking me by surprise.


We decide to go get breakfast at the corner cafe. We called Jade to see if she and Mike wanted to come, and they did.

Since we have a bigger party we got to sit in a private part of the place. No one can see our table because it's across from the counter area.

I sit down next to Justin and across from Jade, who is sitting next to Mike. Matt sits at the head of the table between me and Jade. "So how did it go?" Jade asks, smiling.

"It went really well." I say, smiling as the lady comes over with our drinks. I get my chocolate milk and feel my smile grow. We order our food and she walks away.

"So were you able to find him?" Mike asks.


"I'm guessing it's a boy."

"Oh. Not at first." I look to Justin and he smiles at me.

"Are you going to tell them?" He asks. I look to my friends as they stare back, worried.

"Together." I say, looking into his eyes and he nods.

"We're having twins!" We say excitedly together. Their mouths drop and they look so surprised.

"Surprise." Matt says with amusement clear in his voice. They look to him then back to me.
Well surprise!!!! It's twins!!!!!

Hoped you liked it, and I hope you had a good Easter.

(Oh that's her outfit, found it on Pinterest)

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