Chapter tewnty one: the fourth of July

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I wake up to my phone buzzing. I pick it up and answer it. "Hello."

"Hi Nicole. Sorry if I woke you, but we had to change locations, to Brenton Point instead." Justin's mom says.

"Okay, and don't worry about it. See you soon." I say.

"Alright we will see you soon. Bye." She says before she hangs up. I roll over on my other side snuggling into more pillows. I was hoping for Justin, but he must be out running. I close my eyes trying to sleep again, but feel a a strange feeling in my stomach. I put my hand on it looking down, at my swollen stomach.

"What are you two doing in there?" I question softy to them, even though I know they can't respond. I rub my stomach a little, and the feeling goes away. I look at my phone for the time and gasp, it's already noon. I sit up stretching, and get out of bed.

I walk down the stairs stopping hearing someone behind me. I look to see it's Jade. "Good morning." She smiles.

"Good morning." I smile back. Then I continue down the stairs. "Did you just wake up?" I ask her.

"No, I just got dressed." She chuckles.

"Oh, well I need food first. I think they were moving around a little this morning." I say excitedly as we reach the kitchen.

"Really?" She asks excitedly. I nod my head walking over to Justin, who hugs me.

"What happened?" He asks kissing the top of my head.

"The babies moved a little this morning." I say smiling widely. He pulls away smiling, placing a hand on my stomach.

"Are you two moving already?" He asks them in a baby voice. I giggle at how cute this is right now. He looks up into my eyes grinning at me. "What would you like for breakfast?" He asks me.


We get to Brenton Point after we were all ready. I put on Jean shorts, and a red and white stripped shirt, that has a pocket on the left. I get out the car taking Justin's hand seeing my family together. He gives me a reassuring squeeze as he leads me to them. Jade and Mike are behind us holding hands.

"Justin, look they are already staring." I say, my nerves growing. He kisses the top of my head as I lean into him.

"They can't tell right now. They are still too far." He tries to reassure me. We get closer, and one of my aunts comes running over to greet me. She comes up to me smiling. She glances down at my stomach, and her smile disappears. I gulp offering her a smile.

"Nicole?" She questions me. I put my hand, that Justin isn't holding, on my swollen stomach and look into her eyes.

"I'm pregnant, with twins." I say quietly. She looks down at my stomach then to Justin, who offers her a smile.

"Did you do this to my niece?" She asks him, no emotion in her voice.

"Yes, I'm the father." He answers. She looks back to me shaking her head.

"Congratulations, I guess." She says hugging me. She quickly let's go walking back to everyone else. We walk over getting stopped by my cousins , who are all like my age, hugging us.

"Nicole," Dan asks raising an eyebrow. I smile at him as he grins. "I thought Matt would be the one in this situation." He chuckles.

"Hey!" Matt shouts coming over.

"Nicole, what is it?" Vlad asks. I just shrug at him.

"Clearly it's a baby." Veronica says. Vlad rolls his eyes at her.

"They weren't in a good position to see." I say leaning into Justin more. Veronica notices, and she raises an eyebrow. Her and Vlad are siblings, she is a year younger than me as Vlad is my age.

"Are you the father?" She asks.

"You're having more than one?" Vlad asks at the same time Veronica asked Justin.

"Yes, I'm the father and we are having twins." Justin says. Vlad and Dan fist pump Justin as Jade and Mike come to us.

"Jade!" Dan greets her loudly. She cringes, but smiles at him. He always seemed to have a crush on her, but he is four years older. Mike puts an arm around her waist pulling her closer to him.

"Hey Dan." She waves. "Nicole, your aunt is staring at you." She says. I shrug looking over Jade's shoulder, seeing my aunt June, from before, quickly look away.

"She's not really thrilled." I say looking down at my stomach.

"I'm sorry for my mom." Dan says. "She's just kind of jealous. After me she couldn't have anymore kids." He explains. He hugs me as close, and tight, as he can. "Congratulations though. I can't wait to meet the twins." He says pulling away. "I'm hoping for two boys, but if you excuse me I have to get a game together." He says.

"I'm in." Vlad says. "Matt, Mike, Justin want to join?" He asks.

"Why not." They agree, and the guys take off to my uncles, and Justin's dad. My dad is getting the football from the car.

"Nicole, come on my mom wants to see you." Veronica says pulling my arm. I laugh following her, with Jade beside me. We get to the picnic table, and I'm greeted with hugs.

"Nicole, it's so good to see you again honey." My, nicer, aunt says. I hug her back before she let's go. She looks down to my stomach and squeals excitedly. "Congratulations."

"Thanks. It's twins too." I say grinning.

"What are the genders, or are you waiting?" She asks excitedly.

"No, we aren't waiting. They weren't in a good position last time to see, so we are going to find out next time." I say placing a hand on my stomach. I feel a fluttering feeling in my stomach, and I smile looking down.

"What are you hoping for?" She asks. I just shrug my shoulders.

"As long as they are healthy I'm happy." I say.

After some more small talk my father comes over to start the grill. Justin comes over kissing my cheek putting his arm around my waist. "So, you two are together?" My uncle asks sitting down across from us.

"Yes, we are." I answer.

"Well I'm happy you two are together. You are the father, right Justin?"

"Yes." Justin answers easily. I lean into his side as the babies move around a little more. It's a weird fluttering feeling, but it makes me smile.

"Well it's good you two are staying together through this." He says. My aunt June, the meaner one, comes over to us.

"Have you two thought of adoption?" She asks sitting down. I glance at Justin, who goes stiff. He glances at me too. I feel my heart stop as she says that. I can never to that to my babies.

"I can't give them up." I say looking at her shocked.

"Nicole, you are only a teenager an-"

"June, stop." My uncle cuts her off. She scowls at us before getting up walking to my mother. My uncle looks at my apologetically. "I'm sorry about her." He says getting up following her. My cousins, brother, Jade, Mike, and Jake come and sit with us.

"What was that about?" Vlad asks.

"I don't want to talk about it. How long are you all here for?" I ask them.

"A few days." Veronica answers.

"Why?" Dan asks.

"We should all do something together. Like old times." They all agree nodding their heads.

"Food." My dad calls. We all hurry over, me needing to eat the delicious smelling food.
Hoped you liked it. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but it works.

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That's her outfit up top or on the side.

My best friend's baby (completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن