Chapter 55 - I missed you

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The last day of this semester comes around rather quicker than expected, a small weight falling off my shoulders.

With a new sense of lightness I walk out of the building, the urge to hold up my middle finger with a smile overcoming me, but I silently make my way towards the park.

My phone vibrates and I pull it out of my back pocket, continuing to walk as I check my messages. I smile, seeing her name appear on the display.

The green-eyes beastie 🧝🏼‍♀️
My flight takes off at 11am so make sure your pretty ass sits on my couch by 4pm.

Someone seems eager to see me 😏
Did you really think I'd forget the time you get home, darling?
I've been waiting for this day since last week.

The green-eyes beastie 🧝🏼‍♀️
Just a simple reminder, darling.
I just know how forgetful you are sometimes.
And don't use that emoji with me..

That's not true.
I'd never forget about you.

What emoji are you talking about 😏

I grin, biting down on my lip while I read her message.

The green-eyes beastie 🧝🏼‍♀️


The green-eyes beastie 🧝🏼‍♀️
Ugh whatever. I'll see you later <3

Wanting to surprise her, I drove to the airport instead of her house. The car ride went by quicker than usual, the thought of seeing her again making time irrelevant, excitement flowing through my blood.

Not seeing her for over a week made me only realize how much I want her by my side, missing her presence every minute of the day. The thought alone is insane. It's crazy to come to terms with how much one person can affect you.

When I arrive at the airport, I park the car in the parking lot, walking into the entrance hall and waiting for her. Checking the information-screen I notice that her flight has a slight delay and decide to roam around the area to pass some time.

I stop in front of a shop, seeing beautiful flowers in the window, and instantly walk inside, picking out a bouquet of roses and paying for it. For the next minutes I wait in the entrance hall, leaning against the wall while my eyes drift over the passing people and heartwarming reunions.

Suddenly my attention is pulled back from the people, eyes shifting to the upper floor, feeling her presence before even seeing her.

It's like she stands out of the crowd, her blonde hair shining in the sunlight as she gets on the escalator. With a push, I move away from the wall, slowly walking into her direction.

The moment she sees me, her eyes light up, a dazzling smile appearing on her face as she runs up to me, paving her way through the people.

My heart pounds faster, opening my arms for her as Lizzie falls into my embrace. Her scent invades my senses, making me feel like a part of me returned, closing my eyes happily.

"Welcome home, my love." I whisper into her hair, squeezing her a bit tighter as she lets out a cute giggle. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, darling." Lizzie breathes out, leaning back and kissing me softly. I sigh, her hands playing with the soft hairs at the back of my neck. Her lips taste of sweet cherry, humming against her lips.

After a few seconds, I lean back, opening my eyes and seeing her eyes still closed. I grin, pushing a piece of hair out of her face as she slowly opens her eyes, emerald orbs glinting in the sunlight.

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