Chapter 63 - Weird

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A week later, the college life continues like usual, endless essays and other homework making me stay locked in my dorm. Ready to make this last semester the best one, I decided to not sleep at Lizzie's house anymore, knowing that waking up beside her would only make it harder to leave her alone.

With great struggle, I roll myself out of bed, staying up most of the night to finish my assignment for the next day. Slouching into the bathroom, I take a cold shower in hopes for it to wake me up.

It doesn't.

Quickly getting through my morning routine, I put on enough makeup to hide my dark eye bags. Not that the looks from my classmates would embarrass me, but no one likes to walk around outside looking like a character from the Walking Dead.

Groaning in displeasure, I put on a simple outfit with doc martens. Complimenting the fit with a dozen rings, I gaze at my reflection in satisfaction.

A little bit of gay brightens your day.

Grabbing my bag, I leave the dorm room. On my way to the campus, making a short stop at the café, I got my daily coffee. With a new-found energy boost-thank the Lord for caffeine-the morning doesn't seem as gray as it did an hour ago.

It's Monday, which means that my first class is English. And what a nice coincidence that the professor is someone who I really look forward to seeing again.

I sadly didn't have the time to visit her over the weekend, phone calls and cute little messages are the only things keeping me sane in times like this.

But in the end it's my own fault, not keeping up with my studies over the past few weeks due to living in a love bubble rather than focusing on my last months at college. There were only two months left, two months of hell and afterwards I will be free.. more or less.

Entering the lecture hall, I scan the rows for James. The guy in question already waves at me, a stupid grin on his lips.

"Y/n, over here!" James shouts, a few heads turning in my direction.

Before he can embarrass me further, I run up the stairs and give him a playful shove against the shoulder.

"I hate you." I mumble, sitting down and picking out my notebook.

"You love me, stop lying to yourself." James teases, sneaking the nearly empty coffee cup of the table and drinking the rest in one gulp. "Mhm, delicious."

I can only roll my eyes. "Yeah, sure."

We chat for a bit, my eyes occasionally flickering to the door. I feel a bit pathetic about how excited I am to see her in person again, which is actually really sad judging by the fact that only four days passed by without meeting her.

"Where's Louis, by the way?" I ask, noticing the empty seat beside me.

James shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know."

I furrow my brows, noticing something different about his change in behavior. He doesn't meet my eyes, glancing to the other side of the room as if hiding from my gaze.

"Did something happen between you two?" I whisper, leaning a bit closer. "You know, about the thing we discussed weeks ago."

He shakes his head. "Can we please not talk about it right now, y/n? I'm really not in the mood to discuss this now."

I flinch at his time of voice, backing off and leaving him alone. "I- alright, of course."

James doesn't look at me again, burying his head in his notebook. This only confuses me more, his change of character very unnatural for him.

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