Behold! Siblings

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Two hands stretched in the air, horizontal to the ground and reaching for nothing. They were attached to a now eleven-year-old's body, that was in a warrior pose out in the garden. The sun has yet to come up, but she can hear the birds beginning to chirp their morning songs and the air fresh from the thunderstorm last night. Her eyes remained closed, while her body recalled the different poses of yoga. A practice that this era wasn't too familiar with, but it was something her past self enjoyed. Out of curiosity, Yuuma began trying it.

She didn't find it shocking that she also enjoyed it.

Bending at the hips, she eased her upped body down to feel the stretch in her spine. Each vertebra stretching and the muscles breathing with every intake she made. Easing herself back up, she did one final fold. Her arms and muscles lose as gravity did the majority of the work. Taking another deep breath, Yuuma curled herself back up.

Opening her eyes, Yuuma's bright grey eyes met murky teal. Black eyebrows furrowed in what would be the nastiest glare, if it weren't for his cheeks, still soft and round from baby fat, puffing out. Like a hamster.

"Fight me!"

"Kai-kun, it's called sparring." Shishou had picked up another stray, only this one was feral and had a temper. Yuuma didn't mind. She read somewhere that the little siblings could be annoying, and it was the older siblings' job to look after them.

"Let's fight!" Even if she wanted to clobber him. Yuuma sighed heavily, rolling her neck and shoulders out and trying to push away the headache. This kid.

Taking a deep breath in, Yuuma looked him in the eyes. The sky meeting swamp waters. Two different colors yet cut from the same primary color.

"Sure." Kaigaku was different. Granted, Yuuma wasn't all that normal either, but Kaigaku was on another spectrum. A whole other spectrum. She observed as he hastily ran to grab two bokkens, and couldn't help but sigh. Her goal of living a true leisure life wasn't working out. Ever since the other kid came in, he's been on her case for months. Almost a full year now.

At first, it was cute. Yuuma thought it to be rather endearing to have a literal duckling following you around. She had seen it in the village, younger siblings following after older ones.

Ah, her own little sibling!

Then it got annoying. It seemed that no one in the village had an unrestrained, loud, and to be honest very, vulgar younger sibling. Unlike those cute ducklings that were quiet and followed their mother, this one was a loud and annoying duckling that wanted to always overtake the mother. Yuuma had to hold herself back a few times from swatting at him.

Shishou wasn't of any help. He thought it was the most hilarious thing in the whole world. Often watching from afar as the young boy would pester the girl. Her normally stoic face would morph into one of annoyance. He's seen her grip the sword a few times that looked like she was ready to hit him. But never did.

Kaigaku raced back, two bokkens in his arms and a determined frown on his face. Yuuma took one of them and created space.

"No Thunder Breathing techniques. This is just a spar." Kaigaku's nose scrunched and he got in position. He a good inch shorter than Yuuma, and his arms and legs still needed some muscle, but that didn't mean Kaigaku wasn't strong. If it was a contest based on strength, Kaigaku would have her beat. By a mile-long shot.

"Begin!" However, Thunder Breathing wasn't about being powerful. It helped if you were, but it wasn't the basis of the technique.

Yuuma's and Kaigaku's bokken collided. Her blade dangerously close to Kaigaku's face. It was only because of Kaigaku's quick reflexes that he got out of being smack by the white oak. She's done it once when he first challenged her. Pridefully boasting of how he could beat her and that she wasn't a challenge. The spar didn't even last ten seconds. As soon as Shishou had said begin, her bokken struck him across the cheek. Not hard enough to break the bone, but enough to leave it swollen for a few days and bruised for a few weeks.

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