Cat meets Owl. Dango meets Tempura. Glutton Meets Glutton

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TW:Deathdeathdeathdeath! Tis the Final Selection 

Yuuma stared up at the flowering wisterias in interest. The light purple hues and whites reflect off of everyone's skin and clothes. Her light blue hakama reflected the colors quite nicely in her opinion, but she had a feeling that that wasn't what she was supposed to be worrying about.


Not here at least. Shishou had already informed her of how this thing goes. How many children die. Of all the children present, which was maybe 20, only a few would make it back. If any of them did to be exact. Yuuma didn't doubt her skills, because that would be doubting Shishou. However, she also wasn't doubting the skills of the demons beyond these trees. Some may have seen more years than her, while others may be fresh. Just like some of these kids.

Some were glaring at the ground, most likely trying to concentrate or steel their nerves. Others were shaking, sweat rolling down their skins. One boy looked ready to throw up and another girl looked like she was chanting prayers.

Yuuma wasn't all too sure how to feel. She was nervous, but not as much as some of these other kids were. However, she didn't think she was overconfident either. Looking around, there was one kid that caught her attention.

Bright yellow hair and a smile on his face, Yuuma momentarily wondered if he knew what he was getting into. His eyes wide and slanted upwards, and his eyebrows rather unique, he reminded Yuuma of an owl. Granted, she also had fairly wide eyes so she couldn't really make fun of him there, however, hers were not as intense as his. They looked like they could, and would, stare into the soul. Assessing you as a person. The two of them made brief eye contact, grey meeting orange and red. Sky meeting fire.

He looks like a really kind person. There was burning compassion behind those eyes, one Yuuma momentarily wished she had. He had the eyes of someone destined for greatness. Someone who would help those that needed him. Someone reliable. Yuuma didn't know if she should be grateful for being born as someone who didn't look dependable, or maybe try and change it. Then again, the very thought of being needed by everyone made her queasy.

She gave him a nod in greeting, which he returned. His smile kinder and his eyes closed from the force of it. Yuuma wouldn't compare him to the sun, because the ball of gas could be unbearable to look at it. Blinding anyone that looked at it directly. This person was more of a campfire. One that people gathered around and made memories with. Something bright, warm, and tangible.

"Hello!" Something that was very much in front of her. Yuuma didn't even know when he walked over to her, let alone how she missed it. Either she was slacking or he was just that silent. Which, no offense to him, but he didn't necessarily look like a quiet person.

"Ah, uh um, hi." Yuuma fumbled. Only really speaking to her Shishou, kouhai's, and other select few people have backfired on her. Her social skills were at best 5, out of 100. She bowed out of politeness, although she didn't see him bow so maybe it was overkill? Would he care? Does it matter?

"There are not a lot of female swordsmen, so I thought I would take the opportunity to meet one!" Yuuma blinked and took in the contestants again. There was that one girl who was still chanting her prayers and.... Her. It dawned on the 13-year-old that she was most likely not only the youngest contestant but also only one of two females out of the twenty. Yuuma glanced over at the girl, trying to send a telepathic message, 'Straighten up dammit! We're representing other women here!'

"I also have yet to meet a blonde swordsman, so I guess I will also take advantage of this opportunity." That wasn't too formal was it? The boy chuckled, "I am Rengoku Kyojuro, I use the Flame Breath!" Yuuma gulped, fighting the urge to play with a strand of hair, "Yuuma. Just Yuuma, I use the Thunder Breath." If possible, Kyojuro's eyes got even larger and his smile broader, "A Thunder Breather! My father has told me only a little bit, but from my understanding, Thunder Breathers are supposed to be one of the fastest Demon Slayers!" 'Must you shout that?!' Yuuma shrugged, "I suppose. We rely a lot on quickdraws." Kyojuro opened his mouth, but nothing came out as everyone snapped their head at the sound of shuffling feet.

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