Chapter 19

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Tristan's POV

(The night before)

She was like a light, a bright burning light with so much power and energy, that manages to light up my dark world.

She wasn't suppose to exist, yet here she is like a fucking bulldozer, breaking through my hard shell and crumbling down my walls without even realising it.

From the moment I first laid eyes on her, I knew things would never be the same. Even now, I can still recall the shock that racked through my body when I first saw her. She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen and I had never wanted anything as much as I wanted Lucia.

My mate.

Yet, I felt like I couldn't have her. Lucia; kind, caring and fiery, was far too innocent and far too special to be caught up in my screwed up life. She was in danger because of me and I hated myself for that. If anything ever happens to her...

My lip pulled back into a snarl at the thought as I sat stiffly at the edge of the stream, staring at my reflection in the water under the moonlight. Black eyes stared back at me as I glanced at my dark fur and large head.

Anger was still coursing through me from what had happened with Lucia minutes ago. Walking into my room and smelling another males scent on her had nearly drove me to fucking shifting. For a moment I had lost complete control of myself and was ready to succumb to my primal instincts and hunt down the bastard who had thought of touching what was mine.

But then there she was, right in front of me, rubbing her small delicate hands on my chest whispering for me to calm down in that sweet angelic voice.

I abruptly ripped my thoughts back to the present. Something deep within me tightened every time Lucia touched me. The feeling was completely foreign and pure ecstasy. I was having a hard time deciding whether or not she purposely tried teasing me every time my name fell from her perfect lips.

Lucia had the power to confuse me. And that was a first. She ignited emotions in me that I had never experienced before. She cared about me and I treated her like I didn't want her.

But I did. The want, the hot burning fucking need for Lucia was eating me from the inside out and I told myself I wouldn't be able to last resisting her much longer. My wolf was already at his breaking point and would love nothing more than to run back to Lucia who was currently in our bed, and beg her to forgive us. To mark her, to make her ours.

'She already is ours,' my wolf snarled, his voice lethal. 'She has given us so many chances, yet you push her away! She's our mate, the most precious thing that belongs to us and only us. Right now we should be in that bed with her, marking her and completing our bond!'

My body tensed at the thought and low growl erupted from me.

'It's not that simple,' I said coldly. 'She doesn't know about the dangers that surround her, she doesn't know about us.'

'Then tell her!' My wolf snarled loudly. 'She wants to know, she's trying so fucking hard with us and soon she's going to get sick of your behaviour and leave!'

My chest clenched painfully at the thought of Lucia leaving. I abruptly dismissed the thought and eyed the dark trees through narrowed eyes.

I had never cared about anyone before besides my Pack, but now suddenly Lucia was all I could ever think about and it frustrated the hell out of me.

How could I be a proper Alpha to my Pack when one girl was always on my mind? Instead I should be thinking of ways to protect and further my Pack.

'She's our fucking mate,' my wolf suddenly snarled and I bristled stiffly at the ice cold tone. 'She is the most important thing to us now! Our first priority. Instead of thinking about the Pack for once, you should be thinking about ways to protect and further our relationship with our mate!'

I growled and dug my claws into the soft dirt below my paw. He was right...

I wanted to tell her, I thought. But I just didn't know how to.

My mind drifted to the time when I first visited Lucia's Pack. The urge and need to see Lucia that day and since I had first found her was improbable. My wolf had been going insane from being so far from our mate and I could feel myself closely following.

However, seeing that fucking pathetic pups arms wrapped around my mate literally had me seeing red.

What was his name again? A distorted noise came from the back if my throat. Jake, was it?

I had known that in that moment Lucia would be leaving with me, there was no way in fucking hell I could leave her.

I snarled inwardly at the reasoning to why I was there in the first place. I didn't like to admit it, but I was a fool to think a wolf had killed Charlie, the young pup who was murdered in my Pack.

My shoulders hunched as I clawed the ground. I will fucking rip each and every one of those Crocotta fuckers from limb to limb from what they have done to my Pack.

I bristled at the thought of them. I knew they were close. I could feel there soulless putrid presences lurking within the shadows of the trees not far away. I could sense their beady red eyes follow my every move as I stood up.

I growled lowly in my throat as my eye caught the sight of the gangly white presence half sheltered behind the tree.

The immediate instinct was to devour the creature to shreds, to sink my teeth deep into the vile flesh of neck. Both my wolf and I were hungry to see the life drain out of their , but refrained as it slowly dissapeared.

I never thought I'd see it happen, but it has. And it fucking scares me.

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