Chapter 10

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Lucia's POV

~ Present ~

The forest stood very dark around me, making it difficult to distinguish anything. Or so I thought. Now, it was like I was aware of every little detail in the tall broading night time woods. Especially the sight infront of me.

I stood absolutely rigid. Not one muscle moved in my body. Not even my heart. No, that was completely frozen. My heart had literally stopped beating.

My eyes were firmly glued to the tan muscular chest that belonged to my mate. It was then that I realised that this is the first time I have ever seen my mate with no shirt on. Or pants. I willed myself not let my eyes to go any further than his chest. I couldn't go any further than his chest, I don't think I'd be responsible for my actions if I did.

The clearing was silent around us, the river being the only thing to disrupt the night. Tristan stood silently a few meters away from me. I still hadn't looked up at his face yet. I was scared of what I'd find. Would he be emotionless? Shocked? Angry? Probably the latter. I knew there was no way in hell he would be happy.

Suddenly, as if a switch had been turned on, my heart started to pound. My lips parted as I sucked in a mouthful of air. I felt my hands begin to shake slightly, a light sweat coating the skin. I swallowed tightly, my tongue feeling thick and heavy.

Get a grip, I scolded myself. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, balling my hands together in fists. Taking a deep breath, I opened my eyes and looked staight into Tristans eyes. I gasped quietly and almost took a step back from the intensity burning in his coal black eyes. Eyes that were directed right at me. My eyes widened as I felt my body temperature soar. Tristan stared at me, his eyes piercing right through me. His black tousled hair hung in his eyes, tickling his dark bronzed skin.

Electricty crackled between us and I felt my skin tingle with desire. For a few moments I was sucked into Tristans blazing eyes and for once, I had never felt so complete. I clamped my sweaty palms together and ripped my eyes from from my mates. My heart was painfully beating a tattoo against my chest. I was so nervous.

Slowly, my eyes swept over my mates face. His features looked so regal in the silver moon light. He was so beautiful, the moon light casting over his flawless face made him appear dangerous and rugged. My heart clenched tightly, he was almost too much to take in.

My heart quickened as I my eyes slowly trailed down to his chest. I took in a sharp breath, amazed at how prominent and sculptured his abdomen was. My wolf purred, encouraging us to close the distance and have our way with our mate. I ignored her, although her idea was very tempting. 'Stop it', I told her, pushing her away to the furtherest corner of my mind. I didn't need her influence on me.

I heard a low growl, forcing me to look up at Tristan. He was breathing heavily now, his solid chest rising and falling. He stared right at me, giving me a warning look. I glanced back and I knew my eyes were pitch black. My wolf wanted out.

I gave my mate a heated look, shivering as Tristan growled loudy. Slowly biting my lip, I boldly I let my eyes dip downwards. I gasped loudly, my eyes widening as they were glued to Tristan's area.

Then all of a sudden, in a blink of an eye, I was roughly pressed against a tree. My mouth parted in shock, and what little breath I had, was knocked out of me. I gasped as Tristan pushed his body tightly into mine, digging my back further into the tree, instantly igniting my body with heat and delicious tingles. His head came down to the crook of my neck, his hot breath fanning across my neck. My hands automactically gripped onto his broad taunt shoulders, loving how smooth and muscled they felt.

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