chapter 48 . injured

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  Arohi was scared of Aditya's tone it was like he was doubting her. But for her dad's health, she has to lie to him as she knew her family will never accept her marriage to sahay.

  " Voh..... Bhai one of my colleagues went to the US last week so she  asked me If I want this phone, as it was on discount there so I…"

"  Hmm okay, "

 " Bappa washom ( washroom )" avni stated while rubbing her eyes 

"   Yes, my doll come. I will take you to your room, bachu come for breakfast. We are waiting."

  Arohi nodded at him, after Aditya left she took a deep breath to relax as it was very rare for her to lie to Aditya. Soon she got ready and reached the dining room 

      She found all the family was settled for breakfast, except veena who was in the hospital as Aditya returned home for some time.

       Avni started telling the story that arohi told her at night, it was not exactly what arohi told her but it's a special avni version. All the family were enjoying her cute narration.

    Anand, Aditya vaidehi, Varsha were listening to her in awe whereas veer and pia were feeling depressed as they will not be able to tease avni anymore

Arohi just shrugged her shoulders at these children's games.

"  Bhai why did Asawari di didn't come yesterday hmm? I was expecting her here."arohi asked while eating her breakfast.

 Before Aditya can answer, Vaidehi started sobbing, whereas Varsha started comforting her, Arohi was scared by watching this kind of response.

" What happened? Is didi ok? She is happy na? Bhabhi please tell me "

         Aditya glared at his wife as he never wanted Arohi to know about the talk that Asawari "s in-laws and their dad. But now arohi will not let this matter go so easily.

  "  Bachu it's nothing…"

    " What nothing? Why don't you tell her the truth hmm "

" What is the truth? Can you please tell me what's going on?"

      Aditya rubbed his temple with his hand and started narrating the whole incident.

As soon as he completed his sentence, he looked at Arohi who was clenching the fork in a tight grip, she gripped it so tightly that her palm started bleeding. Aditya opened her palm and threw the fork aside.

     "  What are you doing? Anand passes me the first aid kit, what is this bachu? now everything is fine. I will talk to them and bring her here. Hmm, you just don't worry, okay. Now go and take a rest. hmm." Before Aditya could complete the bandage, Arohi pulled her hand and left from there. 

Looking at her walking style Aditya understood the upcoming storm. he scolded vaidehi for her foolishness but vaidehi didn't regret telling arohi as she wanted arohi to teach the Kaul family a lesson for a lifetime.


   Arohi reached her room and picked up her phone she dialled the number which she never thought that she will call in this lifetime .yes it's Mr ranvijay sahay 

   Ronn who was sitting in an important meeting, when Rajiv passed him the phone Ronn glared at Rajiv as he didn't like disturbance while working. Rajiv knew that look so he muttered slowly " madam "

  Ronn was surprised then overwhelmed with joy he signalled Rajiv, who requested the people who were giving the presentation to take a little break and Rajiv also left from there.

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