Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

“Okay then, tell me… Would you rather go in there with us, or would you want to stay here alone?”

Joshua’s rough amused voice shook Vega out from her sleep. Deep chuckles reached in her ears as the guys were laughing and playing what sounded like a good old game of ‘would you rather’.

She lay still for some time, the aching had disappeared, and even though she felt incredibly weak, she felt better too. The lion dust had helped numb out a great deal of pain and left were only a small dull ache in the back of her skull, which only was noticeable when she thought of it.

“Guys?” she opened her eyes and supported herself to sit up. Joshua rushed over and helped her.

“How are you feeling?” he asked. She gave him a small smile.

“I’m okay, the rest helped. What about you two?”

“We’ve checked out the temple a bit, but ended up back here,” Eric said.

“Ahh, the sound of bonding. I thought I recognized that,” she teased. Both guys immediately started to deny that there had been any kind of that nonsense, and she couldn’t hide the smile that erupted from her face. They were being boys, and for just a small moment, it was easy to imagine that they had just been three friends, out on a camping trip. The thought made her happy, and she realized that she wished for just that when all this was over.

“What are you thinking about?” Joshua asked.

“Nothing,” she said with a happy smile. She was thinking of the time were there was nothing to stop them from being young.

“Are you hungry? The effect of the Rapple should have worn off slowly by now,” Eric asked. Vega nodded after a while. She did feel hungry.

Joshua found bread and sliced some for them with a small knife. As they dined, a peaceful silence fell between them.

“This reminds me of, when back home... Every time the pigs would feed, silence would spread out between the because they would be too busy to eat,” Eric muttered.

“Are you calling me a pig?” Joshua scoffed with a playful glare. Eric didn’t answer, but the amusement in his voice wasn’t easy to miss. Stretching his arm, Joshua lightly smacked the guy on the back of his head. “Be nice!” he whined.

Chuckles erupted, and it wasn’t until his eyes met Vega’s that the serious note came back.

“What do we do now?” he voiced his thoughts. Vega thought about it.

“I want to take a look around here. Even though, this is abandoned, I think we might be on the right path. It has this alarming sense over it,” she explained.

“That’s what we said too!” Eric exclaimed.

This place actually seemed a lot like the corridor back at the temple with Garnet, but instead of a hall, it was all over the place.

“I think there might be some leads around here,” she muttered. Standing up she started to pace slightly around the guys. Looking in every direction possible, she stopped in front of them. “Did you check inside?”

Joshua and Eric shared a look.

“Only looked inside, we didn’t walk in there…” Joshua answered with hesitation, and then added. “There could be traps.”

Vega turned around and walked to the entrance. Looking inside the darkness gave off the same feeling as outside, except it seemed amplified.

“Be careful,” Joshua said as he came over to her. He had one bag on his shoulder.

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