Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Back at their camping spot, Vega’s headache had cleared up. The further away she got from the Palenque, the more her pain subsided. She was walking aimlessly around in circles by the small fireplace they had sat up. With nothing else to do, she started thinking over their situation.

It was true that they had been extremely lucky in finding the underground tunnel to here if it was pure luck or not, she didn’t know yet. The townsfolk had been scared of this place for a reason, and she had a hunch that the reason as to why would be revealed soon. Sighing loudly, she stopped and looked around. It wasn’t in her nature to sit back and the more time that went, the more anxious she got. Would the guys be alright? She hoped so.

“For Solem’s sake…” she muttered but left the rest unspoken. The wind caught her hair, and she was surprised that the strands lifted even a little. It had been so long since she had a proper bath. Dirt and sweat coveted her whole body, and with a disgusted face, she slowly lifted the part of her bangs that were sticking to her forehead. 

As she stood there, her eyes caught the lake. The water looked so refreshing, and she could imagine the cooling effect it would have on her overheated skin. Her body reeked from the perspiration caused by the strong sun. Vega bit her lip and looked back in the direction the guys had disappeared. It wasn’t that long since they had parted from her. Perhaps she had time enough to go for a little dip in the clear water.

Indecisive wasn’t something she often was, but right now she could see both pros and cons for taking a swim.

Gazing back over the water, the temptation finally got to her. She would take just a quick dip in and then be out of the water before the guys came back. As she ran the small distance, she quickly ridded herself of her clothing, stripping it off piece by piece. As she stood in her underwear, she looked down at herself. Her body had become skinnier since the transformation, and her skin was a lot tanner than both Miriam and Annabell.

A gentle breeze caressed her body as she stood at the edge of the lake. Waves from the wind rushed past her feet and a chill overcame her body. It was cold. Nevertheless, it felt sensational. Taking a sharp in breath, she ran further into the water, holding her air in. As the shock from the cold pushed the air out of her lungs, it took her mere seconds to adjust to the lack of heat, and her flushed skin felt incredible.

Her clothing soaked up the water, and she decided to get rid of it. Throwing all of it back on the ground, she swam a little, enjoying the water even more.

Vega dove under once, and when she came up she combed her hands through her hair. She didn’t have soap, but the water itself helped a lot too. She swam a few lengths, going out to the middle. This felt like heaven. The last remnants of the headache had disappeared too and thinking back, she wasn’t sure if it might just have been a heatstroke. Resurfacing, she breathed in the warm air, the smell of flowers and forest filling her with peace.

If only she had done this sooner, she thought as she floated on her back. Her hair floated above her head, and whenever she moved her head, she could feel the long strands move with her.

The sun had started to descend behind a couple of high trees, but the heat remained. She could stay here forever.

This place is so amazing. There was no fish around, and not even the chirping of birds disturbed the peace, nothing but pure serenity. Closing her eyes, she thought of everything that had happened so far. Everything had escalated after the meeting with Eric. They were now closer than ever, and she had a strong feeling about it all. The nightmares and her worry for Joshua seemed silly now.

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