Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 

Yang POV 

I used a spell to set the place like how it was before, the all were looking at me like I am an alien from a different planet.

"What other power do you have?" Asked Hoseok looking at me curiously. I walked towards the nearest chair and sat down.
They followed. I took a single chair with no arms so there would be no fighting as to who would sit next to me. They looked disappointed but took different seats and sat down then waited for me to start talking.

"I have powers from all the different beings, mother told me I was the only one to ever be born with so many beings inside of me and the different powers" I said looking at my fingers hoping they would not think of me as a freak. 

But when I looked up they looked at me like I was the most precious thing to ever exist, well it beats them looking at me like an alien. 

"How do you control all of those powers, and I know the different beast usually talks to their other half, how do you control all of that?" Asked Jungkook.

"I was trained since I was little by my mother. She helped me when I transformed the first time into my wolf and then my other beast, then I learnt how to control my powers," I told them.

"So just like your tattoos I would assume that you also have a dragon?" Asked Jin, looking a bit nervous.

"I do, her name is Lana, she is a sweetheart" I told him smiling as I remembered how they all helped me through my lonely times.

"Hmmm Not everything you could tell your mother. And even though I had her I was pretty lonely because I could not trust anyone to find out my powers, I was already label a freak in our pack, because I was kept in the forest most of my life, I just had them to talk with, when I close my eyes and focus I could see all of them in their natural form, hmm it's like a dream where I would get to talk to them, so I  usually find a quiet place and relax then focus on them and we would talk and play for hours in my mind, I have a deep and lovely relationship with them, I cannot picture my life without them" I told them.

"The way you speak about them, your face even lights up and you glow," says Jin said as the others nodded and smiled.

"Do you think that all of us is her mate since we have not been able to find her for so long and it's already three of us and her markings, each and every one of them is connected to one of us" says Hoseok.

"When she meets the others only then we can know for sure," says Jin, looking at me with a smile.

"And Jungkook, remember not to try to kill anyone until we figure it out, the others are supposed to be coming soon," says Hoseok and everyone laughs, while Jungkook fakes a smile.

My stomach chooses that exact moment to make the most horrible noise reminding me that I have not eaten anything for an entire day. 

"Yang" called Hoseok when I looked up the center table was full with food and fruits. Guess not me alone have tricks up my sleeves.

"Thank you" I said and came down from the chair and sat on the ground.

"Come join me" I say and then follow my action and sit on the floor next to me. After that they all stuffed my mouth with food.

"Wait!" I said and the all froze.

"If you keep stuffing me like that I will choke" I said with a nervous laugh and in the smallest voice I could muster up at the moment. 

When we finished eating, They all were looking at me.

"What?" I asked, the are good at blocking their thoughts. I was the same. I am not allowing  anyone to know my thoughts because they were all over the place at the moment.

"Can I sleep with you tonight, my wolf will go crazy if he is far from you since we are not fully mated as yet" says Jungkook. 

"Hmm sure" I said but I was not so sure mentally.

The other two were looking at each other...

"Can we stay too?" Asked Jin.

"You can all stay but I do not think we will all fit on the bed" I said knowing that I could make a bigger bed.

"We will make do with what we have" says Hoseok.

"Fine" I said, getting up and walking towards the room. I clicked my finger and made a bigger bed so that we all could fit.

"I am going to take a shower" I told them.

I sit under the water and close my eyes...I relax my mind and enjoy the feeling of each droplet of water that touches my body. It was like it was caressing me. 

How will I be able to handle all of them? If what they suggest is true then I have seven mates in total.

Will I be enough for them?

I know my body heals fast but I still have no experience. 

I went down and hugged my knees, the water was showering down on me.

With all my insecurities surfacing...I think I need some time for I close my eyes and block everything out, clearing my mind of all my thoughts.


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