Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Namjoon POV

As we teleported back to a forest house that we had bought a very long time ago I could feel that each and everyone of us had a heavy heart. Yang used up all of her powers and a fraction of ours to wipe out the hybrids along with her uncle. Her mother had told us when she heard that Yang left with her uncle that we can merge our powers together it would weaken us but that will cause a blast strong enough to kill everything and everyone within a distance, it beats me how Yang knew about it since she blocked all communication with us as soon as she entered her uncle domain, the only way we could have gotten close to her is by faking an injury and let them take us, as for Jimin he pretended to be unconscious and lay at the waterfront because those that tired to enter his kingdom had perish by the merman that was guarding killed them within no time because the were not ment to be underwater. If she had used enough of our powers and some amount from hers she would have regained consciousness.

As the room came into view Jungkook and myself could not control our beast as they shed our skin for theirs and took off into the forest it lasted for an hour until I could gain full control of my body again and returned but when I do Yang's mother was there and what made me drop to my knees was...

Is she?...oh my god! She is pregnant!" Shouted her mother. All these guys look as shocked as I am. It has not been long since she found us. But what got us more shocked was when her stomach started growing...

Jessie POV

My heart was in my hands, it was beating out of my chest...I was so damn scared when I heard that Yang risked it all...I knew she was up to something when she cut off our communication but never this...

"What the hell is happening to her!" shouted all her mates, bringing me back to the present. They were panicking and so was I but I have to be strong for all of them.

"Jungkook teleports and brings the principal's wife. We found a book when you guys were away" I told him, I have read so many things in that book and I did read about multiple mates and pregnancy but I was too distracted to remember the exact words.

"Take your time, let us move her to the room" they were more than gentle. I could not even get close to her as they all kissed her cheeks lips face. It was weird to watch but I can tell she loves her. She has not stirred since she blacked out I was told nor had she made a move since I got here.

"She is here!" Called Jungkook as he too pushed past the others and pepper kissed her.

"Remember we read the part about multiple mates and pregnancy for the princess?" I asked the principal's mate and she nodded while she found the page.

"Yes it is here, it says that the special one will become pregnant very fast and it will last about a month with her in a coma until she is ready to give birth" she finished reading all her mate looks like they were about to cry. I know she would know why I sent Jungkook because I had left it with her for her to continue reading and see if she could find anything useful to help the kings and the now queen.

"Relax boys if I remember correctly it's only her first pregnancy the others will be fast but she will be awake, she is different from other supernatural" I told them and they relaxed a bit. I bite my lips and try to do everything in my power to make this month pass without any hiccups.

One month later....

During the past month Yang mates have just left her side to eat, bathe and take care of business. However Yang was still in a coma and so close to giving birth, all of us could tell and what was amazing is that we heard two strong heartbeats telling us it was two babies. I was excited to be a grandmother but what I wanted more than anything was for my baby to wake up.

Yang POV

I have been trying to open my eyes for the longest while I could hear and feel everything that is happening around me but my eyelids refused to open. I cursed so much in my mind till I heard the heartbeat within me. Then I knew that our lives were going to change somehow. I kept feeling stronger and my mates bonded with me even more. I just wanted to wake up and hug them, I felt like I was in a long sleep. Suddenly I started feeling some serious pain in my abdomen. I was almost awake when I heard my mother scream that I was in labor. I could hear the panicked voices of my mates asking why I had not woken up. I use all of my strength and opened my eyes so soon as another pain hit I started pushing my mates were braced to the wall by some sort of magic because they were fighting to stand next to me, but the room was small, another pain hit and I felt a pop, then loud wails but then I feel like pushing again so I did this time I heard another wail, I could not see who was between my legs but I know my mother had collected one baby but then I saw another as soon as they were out the pain stopped and any body began healing soon as mom came with one baby then I saw the principal wife coming with another and resting them on my chest, tears were running down my eyes my mates had the exact look, they were realise and the rushed to us. By the time they finished kissing me and the babies I was already healed and felt so damn powerful. My beast within was going crazy as I felt a power surge go through my body.

With my family with me and now our two angels I know that our future will be something to look forward to...


Sorry for the short chapter but I hope it helped to clear up any confusions as to what took place. I will write the final piece for this book soon...

Thank you all for reading...

Hmm my favorite chapter was probably the one that was hardest to write, chapter 31 since it was with Yang and all seven of them mating...

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