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Xavier's pov:

I got tensed as soon as I heard Chris' voice. He is a really confident man. He never sounds so scared.

"First of all, calm down. Then tell me what's the matter?"
I could hear his loud breathing as if he is trying to make peace to his racing heart.
"Sir, the resorts and the bars in France have collapsed. Everything is ruptured."
"What do you mean Chris? Be clear."

"Sir, I ran a check over the system. I was shocked to see the data. Mr. Lancaster ran away with every detail and all funds from all the resorts and bars in France. He was the only person who had access to every bank detail and important files. He has been missing from last two days and today his account has been credited with huge balance. That's almost equal to the amount that's been deducted from our accounts."

"What the fuck? How the hell can he get access to all the money in the accounts? For God's sake, the France Resorts and Bars make valuation worth more than 7 billions."

"Sir, Mr. Lancaster along with two authorities from the bank and an employee from the marketing department did all this. I've given an order to file a police complaint regarding the issue. But, you need to be present there personally for the formalities." Chris told me.

"I think you're right. I must go there immediately."

"Sir, I asked the captain to be ready. Your private jet is waiting for you at the airport."

"Thank you Chris. I'll leave immediately. Take care of the work and be in touch with Lucas for all the official matters, in case I'm out of reach." I told him and hung up the call.

I sat on the bed. Freaking out was the only thing that I was doing right now.
The door of my room opened with a thud. There was Lucas catching his breath, probably because he came running.

"Hey, are you okay? I got to know the whole France thing." He asked me looking as freaked out as me.
"How did you reach here this quickly? Because, I just ended my call with Chris like a minute ago." I was surprised to see him.

"Chris informed me before he called you. He knew how much important the France resort was to you. We both know how much you have strived to get that land and build your dream project in France. He knew that you would freak out. So, he called me first so that I could reach to you as early as possible." Lucas told me.

"Sometimes, I don't understand whether I pay him or you do. Because every time there's something that I would stress about, he gives the call first to you and then to me." I let out a sad chuckle.

"Because he knows his boss very well. He knows at what moment you would get stressed and would need your best friend with you."
I looked at Lucas for a second and hugged him.

"I don't know man what's happening to me? Sometimes, it feels like everything is breaking down into pieces. First the marriage thing, then the accident and now cheery on cake is this scandal. You very well know how important the resorts and the bars in France were for me. I spent almost 70% of my wealth on building those. I strived so hard to achieve that land. You know everything.
Why does this keep happening to me? Why am I the only one who always gets stuck in such things?" I poured my feelings.

"First of all calm down. And the next thing, just get in your head that you aren't a 5 year old child who would cry on every mistake and every bad thing . You weren't like this before. What happened to you? Why do you keep on losing hope?
I agree that this is a great concern but, it isn't something that would bring you down on streets. I agree that you invested a huge portion of your wealth into those resorts and bars. But, you have earned like some 10 to 20 times greater amount from those.

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