Will You Marry Me?🖤

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Xavier's pov:


"So anything you've done that you're very proud of?" I asked her.

"Not yet! But yeah, in the coming future." She answered.


"I haven't done anything very commendable yet. But, I'm working on a app. I think that's gonna be the turning point of my career."

"What app?"

"It's called Safety Kit. It's under making. This app will save you from accidents."

"Sounds something interesting. How does it work?"

"Uh... It includes a GPS tracking system. It will be installed in your phones and that will track your GPS. Whenever any other vehicle will be near it, it'll start buzzing. It will give you the right indication and direction to save yourself from the accident."

"That's thrilling. But, what about when in traffic? Will it keep on buzzing continually?"

"No. I've modified the code in such a way by using artificial intelligence that it can detect the difference between traffic and accident prone situations."

"You're really something Maya. You're not noticed right now. But, whenever people will know you, they are going to be really shocked to see this beauty with brain breaking every record." Light shade of pink blush crept over her face.

"But, it will take a lot of time. You know I still need to finalize the code, the graphics, registration for patent is also to be done. Then, I need to do the testing and if it passes the test then I can launch it in the market. But, it isn't going to be that easy. I also need to find an investor who's ready to risk his money into this." She said, sounding concerned.

"I'm always there. I can be your investor."

"I'll choose to wait for another year if needed . But, I won't take any help from you. Don't take it wrong but, I have really worked hard for this. And, now when it's almost done, I don't want even a single stain on my morality that says that I've used you for your power or your money."

"But, Maya no one will say anything to you. I promise."

"Please don't make this difficult for me. I know no one will say anything but, my self respect doens't allow me to do this. This app is something very close to me and  I want everything to be my way."

"You're really an inspiration for everyone Maya. But, even if you feel a slightest thing that you need my help, don't hesitate to talk to me. What's mine is yours too." She smiled widely at my words.

Flashback ends.

My mind went to the time when Maya was telling me about Safety Kit. The happiness and satisfaction on her face while she talked about it was something I've never seen. She then kept on talking continuously about that app for about an hour. Seeing that happiness, I didn't even want to interrupt her. A sad smile automatically made its way to my lips.

I jerked up from my place when heard a loud sound of thud. It was the door opening or I should attempt of breaking the door.

"We need to talk."

"Not now." I said turning my face away from him.

"But, I want to talk now. Right now."

"And I don't."

"I don't give a fuck about that Xavier. You have to talk and you will."

"Just go away Lucas. It's my personal matter. So, don't interrupt." I walked forward to push him out of the room and lock the door. But, in a reflex he grabbed my shirt and a sting sound echoed my ears.

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