Chapter Four

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You stare down at Appa's fur and let out a deep sigh.

"You shouldn't have blamed Toph for what has happened, Aang" you scold the Airbender.

Toph and Aang got into a fight after Toph said that Appa is the reason why the fire benders are following you.

Because the flying beast is shading fur, leaving a trail behind.

Which made Aang get angry at him, and call him the 'useless' one, and that Appa is carrying the whole thing.

Which resulted in Toph storming to God knows where.

Now, all four of you are left in distress, all thanks to a small misunderstanding.

"I know" Aang mumbles, not daring to look you in the eyes.

"I can believe I yelled at my earthbending teacher, I'm horrible, (Y/n)"

You stare at Aang with sympathetic eyes, before placing your arm around his shoulders.

"No, you are not horrible" you comfort him in a sisterly way.

But Aang still blushes a bit.

"We should wash Appa to get rid of the shading" you suggest.

"That's a good idea, (Y/n)" Katara praises.

"You can all do the washing while I sleep for a while," Sokka says sleepily.

You raise an eyebrow at him while his sister glares, but a smirk appears on your face.

"Don't you want to help me with washing Appa?" You inquire with a slight pout.

Sokka's eyes lighten up at the mention of helping you.

"Yes, of course!" you giggle slightly.

It's so fun to see Sokka being simple for you.

And you are also a simp for him.


"Do you have someone that you like?"

Iroh asks as the young earth
bender drinks tea with him.

Both of them met after Toph stormed away from the Gaang.

"Yes, but I doubt that she will like someone like me" Toph replies with a grumpy tone before taking a sip from his tea.

"Girls love someone that cares for them"

Upon hearing those words, Toph frowns slightly.

"Even if that someone is blind?"

Toph has been always supervised under his parents' care, also looking at him as if is weak just because he can't see.

So, he assumes that a pretty girl like yourself could never look at him just because he is blind.

"You know what is the key to a girl's heart?"


"Someone to protect them"

This answer suddenly makes Toph smile and stand up.

"Thanks for the advice, I think I got an idea now on how to make her love me"


After washing Appa, you and Aang decided to spread a false trail to catch the fire nation youngest prince and his friends off guard.

And have them chase after you both, while the two water tribe siblings go and hide.

And apparently, it had worked, as Azulan is standing there staring at you and Aang.

"Alright, you have caught up with us, who are you, and what do you want?" Aang demands.

"You mean you haven't guessed? You can't see the family resemblance?" Azulan inquires mockingly.

"Here's a hint" he places his hand over the left side of his face.

And mimics his older brother's voice.

"I must find the avatar to restore my honor"

Aang stares blankly at him, while you shrug.

"It's ok, you can laugh, it's funny"

You snort, catching Azulan's attention.

"Yes, I have noticed the similarities" Azulan frowns at your words.

"You both have a bad sense of humor, but Zuko is saner"

Aang is too tired to remember whether he told you about Zuko or not.

So, he doesn't question how you know that.

"Do you really want to fight me?"

Before Azulan could attack you with his fire, suddenly someone gets in the way and blocks it.

Once he takes his straw hat off, you immediately realize who he is.

"Yes, I really do"

Prince Zuko.

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