Chapter Ten

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"Who are you girl?"

"I'm (Y/n)"

You reply meekly, holding your cheek, even though it cold down, it left an ugly red bruise.

Firelord Ozai, looks down at you from on top of his throne, his gaze is cold and sharp.

"So, you are the avater's guider?"

"...Yes" you hesitately answer.

"Who are your parents?"

The question caught you off guard, you were not expecting it to begin with.

"They are not important my lord"

"Answer me, who is your mother!"

You flinch at his demanding voice and look up at him.

Ozai waits for your answer, impatiently.

He knows those familiar features, they belong to a woman he met long time ago.

A woman he wanted to marry.

"My mother is..."

You give him your mother's name, causing his eyes to widen.

How can you, girl from 100 years ago be the daughter of a a woman he met twenty years ago?

"You speak lies" Ozai spat the words out venomously.

"I'm not lying, she is my mother"

Ozai's eyes narrowed even further, and he stood up from his throne, stalking towards you.

"Prove it," he demanded, his voice low and menacing.

"Prove that she is your mother, or I will have you executed for lying to me"

Your hand shook as you reached your necklace, your eyes never leaving Ozai as he loomed over you.

Opening the golden necklace you show him a picture of you, your mother, and your father.

"This was my mother's gift to me," you say, your voice barely above a whisper.

Ozai's eyes widened as he looked down at the picture.

It was a small thing, but it said so much about the girl's mother, and it was clear that it had been a precious gift.

"She got married and had a child with another man..."

Ozai mutters, making you realize one thing.

Your mother has been in the show, and she time travelled like you.


"What do you think Father is interrogating (Y/n) about?"

"Probably about her being the guider of the avatar"

Azulan mocks his older brother, as both of them stand outside of the throne room, waiting for you.

"You really have crossed the line with slapping her, that's cruel"

The younger prince chuckles, looking at Zuko with mockery.

"Don't tell me you have fallen for her"

"Yes, I have" Zuko states, glaring at Azulan.

"Someone like you could never get with her, Zuzu"

"Why not?" Zuko demands.

"Because she is mine, adding to that..."

Azulan points at Zuko's scar.

"...women don't like burn scars"

Suddenly, you walk out of the room, looking annoyed.

"How did things go?"

Zuko asks, forgetting all about his brother and concentrating on you only.

"I will speak to you about it later" you tell him, then turn to Azulan.

"As for you"

"What is it?" Azulan inquires in a haughty tone.

"Women like men..."

You point at his forehead, mocking him.

"...Not boys with bitchy attitudes"

ᴍɪss Aɪʀʙᴇɴᴅᴇʀ༄ Dᴀʀᴋ! ATLA/LOK ᴠᴀʀɪᴏᴜs Where stories live. Discover now