Chapter Five

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You stare between the three boys nervously, trying to remember what happened in this episode.

Damn it, you are starting to forget episodes.

"Back off, Azulan, they are mine" Zuko exclaims, standing in front of you and Aang.

"We will see about that, Zuzu" The young prince mocks before starting to attack the three of you with his blue flames.

Zuko and Aang dodge while you try to hide behind walls.

But Azulan seems to be insistent on following you around and attacking you.

As if it was his main goal to catch you only and not the avatar.

Honestly, the crazy expression on Azulan's face is scaring you.

"What are you doing (Y/n)? Use your airbending!" Aang shouts, dodging Azulan's attacks.

"I'm trying" you shout back, already thinking of a way to get out of this.

"What is the problem, did you forget how to bend, guider" Azulan teases

Suddenly Katara comes into view and hits him from behind with her water whip, while Sokka tries to hit him with his boomerang but fails.

"Katara! Sokka!" Aang cheers up upon seeing the water tribe girl and her brother.

Azulan doesn't stop with attacks, that was until Toph comes and bends the earth under him, causing the young prince to fall.

"I thought you guys could use a little help" Katara smiles at Toph.


Azulan this time tries to run away when he sees that he is outnumbered But bumps into Iroh.

All of a sudden, Azulan finds himself cornered by you seven.

"Well, look at this, enemies and traitors, all working together, I'm done I know when I'm beaten, you got me, a prince surrender with honor"

Azulan says, raising his arms as a sign of surrender.

Azulan was supposed to hit Iroh with his firebrand.

But instead, he hits you with it, causing you to scream and fall to the ground in pain.

Aang's eyes widen in horror at your state, and in less than seconds, everyone attacks Azulan.

Resulting in a huge explosion.

Once the smoke clears up.

Azulan is nowhere to be seen.

Neither are you.


You open your eyes slowly, only to find three familiar figures standing in front of you as you lie in bed.

"You are finally awake" Ty-lee exclaims, staring directly at you, While Mai just stands there silently.

"Why did you kidnap me?"

You demand, flinching slightly upon feeling slight pain in your bandaged shoulder.

"Oh, I wouldn't call it kidnapping, I would rather say..." Azulan smirks at you.

"...I took what is rightfully mine"                    

ᴍɪss Aɪʀʙᴇɴᴅᴇʀ༄ Dᴀʀᴋ! ATLA/LOK ᴠᴀʀɪᴏᴜs Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang