Chapter 25: The End.

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Alina's POV

Colton Brown is gone.

I felt his life force draining from him through our unique bond and there was nothing Xavier or I could have done to stop it from happening. He died protecting me and my family.

He died by the hands of Jordan.

I howl painfully into the dawn, signifying that someone very close to me has just passed. The howls of my pack can be heard from a distance, joining in my sorrow, feeling my pain. Revenge pushes to the forefront of my mind, taking over my emotions. I want him dead. And I will damn well see it through.

I face Jordan and snarl viciously before charging head on with Xavier flanking me. Red. That's all I see. I tackle him to the ground.

Xavier goes to follow in my action but Samuel leaps out of the shadows, barreling into his side. He gets up swiftly, shaking it off and faces him head on.

Jordan takes this moment of distraction on my part by bucking me off with extreme strength, sending me sailing into a tree. I shake it off and circle him, closing in slowly. I manage to pin him down at the last second and clamp my jaws around his shoulder, ripping out a chunk of flesh and he counters by landing a scratch on my side with his abnormally long, sharp talons. I whine in pain and take a step back, licking my wound to stop the blood from spilling. He leaps for me and we roll around the ground, chomping and clawing at each other.

He goes to sink his fangs into me and I call on the water from a nearby steam. It rushes around his head, encasing it at the last second, robbing him of his breath, but it only lasts a few seconds, because my powers are still waning from overuse.

I charge at him full force again and knock him to the ground zeroing in on my target and this time I aim for his jugular, aiming to end his life. I get a good grip around his slippery neck and clamp down. His disgusting, tainted blood fills my mouth.

He was still weakened from the drowning so he wasn't putting up much of a fight. His eyes widen, almost bugging out of their sockets, as his body slumps down to the ground, convulsing and withering before I snap his neck, finally ending his life. I shift back and survey his lifeless corpse with satisfaction when suddenly an excruciating pain takes over my mind through the mate bond. Xavier...

I rush over towards my mate's unshifted, convulsing body on the ground. What's left of Samuel lays at his feet, mauled to shreds. Pieces of him strewn about on the ground around us. He may be dead but he went out with a final blow. Right in the middle of Xavier's chest lays a paralyzing venomous bite. I kneel on the ground and take his hand into mine. "Baby stay with me okay; everything is going to be okay. You're okay." He squeezes my hand painfully tight as he tries to speak but is unable to, his throat closing shut as he heaves for breath.

Panic starts to take over as I look around for help but everyone near me is locked in battle, and no one notices us. "Just stay with me okay, try to stay awake. Don't you dare give up on me." My eyes swell with tears of frustration at my inability to help him. He takes a shuddering breath and expels it painstakingly slowly. His hand goes limp in my hold as his eyes fall shut, closing out the world.

Something within me snaps like a rubber band breaking in two as time slows down as my emotions ignite, consuming me at the thought of Xavier's death. A nuclear-like explosion surges outwards from within me as I fall to the ground beside him and like an uncontrollable blast, spreads across the whole battlefield and surrounding forest, turning the remaining Vipers to stone. They slowly break apart until all that's left of them is dust in the air as a turbulent wind follows, leaving behind our pack and allies untouched.


That's all that's heard. No cheers of victory. Only sorrow as they watch me take Xavier into my arms, sobs racking my body. All I feel is emptiness. Willow appears next to me, reminding me that there may still be time to save him as Dimitri removes his body from my hold and disappears with him. Her words are drowned out, as if I'm stuck underwater and the world closes in on me as I fall forward into her arms, fading away.

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