Chapter 7: Sleepover

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Pic of Jace 


Third person's POV

A few days have passed and the couples have been using their opportunities to bond and learn new things about each other. There was a sickeningly sweet aroma around them.

Alina thought that accepting and being in a relationship with Xavier was going to be more challenging for her, especially due to them both being alphas, but surprisingly she felt it pretty comfortable. She liked that they could talk freely about the pack, her thoughts about the politics, training and security were acknowledged seriously by him. She enjoyed his stories about his travels and how different each pack dynamic is in different provinces. She liked the fact that he always listened intently to her and always paid close attention to her, like how he always had a hair band ready when she kept on losing her own. It was all the little things. Even though it had only been a few days, it was clear how much he cared and how serious he was about their relationship and she knew that it wouldn't be long before she would fall hard, their bond only intensifying her feelings.

It had been a while since Alina and gang had all hung out properly so she texted their group chat organizing, a long overdue sleepover to catch up and perhaps increase the anti with another "A Team special" for the upcoming event, her birthday party.

As Alina and Xavier got out of their class, hands intertwined, she notified him of their plans tonight which meant no interruptions from said male or his friends. She bid goodbye to him and joined her crew with the challenge of the game ringing clear in their minds.

With that said, it was time to prepare and that meant it was about time that a certain sleepover was to be held.

Jason decided to ride with the girls in Thea's car, so Alina could enjoy the ride back home on her new baby. I think I'm going to name him Rage. Yeah, it sounds fitting. Guys aren't the only ones who can name their rides, and from this day forward this beast of a machine will be named Rage, Alina mused to herself. The engine roared as she made her way back home with the gang far behind her since Thea drives like granny.

The car and the newly named 'Rage' were parked and they made their way into the Alpha house. Alina's parents weren't home because they were at the pack house having a meeting with the pack's warrior wolves and would probably stay there for the night since those meetings usually ran late. Alina and the guys would sometimes sit in on the meetings considering they are next in line to lead the pack but her dad let them know it wasn't necessary for this one and he'd fill them in on it later if there were any major changes.

They raided the kitchen and stocked up on snacks then made their way up to Alina's room. "Right guys, get yourselves comfy. I'm going to take a shower," she grabbed her pj's and a pair of clean underwear and ran into her bathroom. After a few moments she walks into the room, "Ok next one can hit the shower."

After everyone was settled for the night, they sat around on the extra fluffy Persian rug in front of the tv and nibbled on some snacks while watching their inspiration and favourite movie of all time: Home Alone, the movie that inspired their favourite past time. Alina thinks if they had ever met in real-life, they would be the best of friends.

Once the credits start rolling, they dive into action for the grand finale. "So, what's the plan?" Jason inquires with interest, shoveling popcorn into his mouth.

"I was kind of thinking of a food fight with a dash of water bombs. Classic and golden but still not a regular everyday prank. Perfect for the occasion," Alina suggests with a grin.

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