Chapter 6 : Finally found you

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Pic of Roxy on the side -------->>


Third person's POV                                                           

As Xavier walked towards the truck, he thought to himself, I should have seen that coming. It's just like old times. His raven black haired and blue-eyed mate came to mind. "Oh, she's going to get it for sure." He growled and smirks at his mate's antics as he unlocks the car and chucks a few clothes to Aiden while Alex picks something out himself.

"What the hell? Dude I know she's your mate but I swear, she's the devils spawn, She could have at least given us a break just this once," Aiden huffs as he tried to remove the paint from his hair and face, but like Xavier and Alex, had no such luck. Alex agreed but found the whole situation amusing as they gave up trying to clean themselves up and decided to grab a bite to eat.

Alina, Alina you are going to be punished my little mate, was the last thought that crossed Xavier's mind as they made their way to the campus cafeteria.

Meanwhile, the A Team gathered around, enjoying their little stunt on the big screen in the cafeteria, laughing with pack members from both sides at yet another success.

"I think that was by far the best last-minute prank we've done by far!" Jason exclaimed. Alina agreed, still chortling, but instantly fell silent when she saw who was approaching the cafeteria door from the outside with hot-pink color dye all over him and he looked far too smug for someone who fell victim to one of their pranks. Aiden wasn't far behind but Alex ran back to get his wallet from the car.

She gulped and tried to shuffle behind Jason to avoid his intense eyes and glanced over at Thea when she noticed her friend's stunned look and knew then that her friend had finally found her mate.

Thea stood still in awe as the scent of warm vanilla and cinnamon wafted through the air, holding her entranced. It was the most amazing scent she'd ever had the pleasure of knowing and looked around to find the source when her eyes landed on a pair of liquid hazel pools staring right at her. It was at that very moment that Lexia, her wolf, said the one word she dreamt of hearing for a long time, 'Mate'.

'Mate! Go to Mate,' Aiden's wolf Ares howls in excitement. There she was, after five years of waiting, right in front of him. Everyone who caught on to what was happening was staring, wolves from both packs stood smiling at the fact that their Gamma's finally found their mates, but Aiden didn't care about the stares. All he was focused on was her. She was so beautiful, he thought to himself as he took in her light brown hair and soft chocolate brown eyes.

He walked up to her slowly, in all his paint splattered glory, as if afraid one wrong move would send her fleeting like a gazelle and gazed into the chocolate pools with an awestruck smile, taking her hand into his. "Hello mate, my name is Thea," she reintroduces herself to Aiden after many years, his stunned expression turning into one of pure joy.

Her brother and friends cheered her from the sidelines while Xavier walked forward and patted Aiden on back, voicing his congratulations to the new couple just as Alex walked in.

Alex walked into the cafeteria only to witness Aiden gazing lovingly at one of Alina's best friends who was wrapped up in his arms, as her friends and Xavier congratulated them.

He tried to process what he just walked into when he catches the eye of a gorgeous green-eyed blonde who gasps and bugs her eyes, looking shell-shocked and an alluring scent of pine trees and honey hits him like a ton of bricks. "Mate," he whispered. 'Go to our mate' Zander, his wolf orders from the back of his mind, confirming what he knew. Well this is a pleasant surprise, he grins to himself as he wastes no time in walking towards her blushing face, wondering what's going through her mind.

Riley gazes at her mate walking towards her with an infectious grin plastered across his pink, plump lips. 'Goddess those lips are so kissable. And just look at those sexy blue eyes and that thick brown hair, I just want to run our hands through it,' Riley's wolf Serana growls in delight while she blushes profusely at her words. Alex is my mate, the guy I've always had an insane crush on is my mate, what are the odds of that? She thinks to herself when another thought crosses her mind. She thinks back to the prank they just pulled and starts to feel a little bit of nervousness kick in and internally gulps.

How ironic.

Alina took a deep breath before approaching Xavier and their friends. He looked at her from the side of his eye and she congratulated them on finding their mates. While Xavier was making conversation with Alex, she gently excused herself and pulled Xavier to her side. He looked at her in surprise before a small grin adorned his features.

She looked at him before bowing, a sign of respect as an alpha. "Despite your extravagant welcoming for old times' sake, I wanted to take this opportunity to officially greet you and welcome you back Alpha Xavier. My name is Alina Richards, Alpha of the Red Dawn pack, I look forward to our future relations," she teased with a small grin. 

A rumbling chuckle left Xavier before he replied, "It's good to be back, my dear mate, I have been looking for you over many countries and for many years, how silly of me to not look next door. In all honesty I didn't expect anything less of a grand welcome and I too, look forward to our future relations." He bowed back with a wide grin before reaching his hand out in a handshake. Alina laughed before accepting his hand. As their hands met, the tingly feeling of warmth enveloped them whole while they looked at each other with sweet smiles.

Jason broke the tension that started to build between the couples, "Ugh. How nauseating. It's been five minutes and you guys are already this whipped."

The new mates let out chuckles, knowing fully well that there was no way to deny it.

Alina rolls her eyes at Jason's comment and smiles up at Xavier as he takes their clasped hand before placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles. Alina blushed before rolling her eyes fondly. She looked at Xavier once more as he gave her a reassuring nod, indicating that everything was okay and she felt some tension leave her body.

"I guess we are," Aiden says with a wink aimed at Thea. "But one thing's for sure, we're not forgetting about that little stunt back at the lockers."

"We wouldn't expect you to. You guys never have let us off the hook in the past, why should anything be different now?" Riley questions with a raised eyebrow.

Xavier responds with a sly grin aimed at his Alex and Aiden, "You're absolutely right Riley. We'll be leveling the playing field, just like old times."

Alina raised her eyebrow in a challenging manner, "Is that so... okay then mate. Game on."

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