4 - Finny | His nostrils are a nice shape

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Crap. Crap. I'm so late.

Headmistress made sure to send me off to the human realm early; last night in fact. But then I slept through my alarm and missed school.

We don't really need sleep in our angel form or invisible form of course, but I stayed the first night at the angel halfway house so I switched to my human form to get the feel of it. Who knew humans need so much sleep.

Transforming into my invisible form, I sail into Andrew's bedroom. I figure I'll just meet him here since he'll be home soon, and I can formally meet him in class tomorrow. I poke around in his stuff a bit but it's mostly still in boxes.

I consider taking it all out and arranging it nicely for him to see when he gets home, but it would seem a little suspicious if he thanks his parents and they say they didn't do it. I don't totally want to anyway—there's a lot of stuff.

There was a briefing before I was sent, and I'd learned that Andrew had just recently moved here. Moving to a new place and new school can be difficult for humans, apparently, so my first task is to help him make friends. Although, I figure I can just be his friend since he's the only human I'll be assigned to for the rest of his life.

It's actually pretty cool that I get to live an actual life. I was really upset at first about the whole graduation day incident, but then I realized that this means I get to actually lead a sort of normal-ish life. Like, I don't have to rush about tending to hundreds of people, and I can actually hang out with my assigned human and make real friends and live a proper human life.

My musings are cut short as an unassuming boy slips into the room. I instantly recognize him as Andrew. He looks smaller in real life, and rather tired, but his nostrils are a nice shape. It's probably a weird thing to notice, but I couldn't see his nostrils on the screen earlier because of the angle the photograph had been taken at.

They're not boring old circles like how nostrils usually are. It's more like an oval, but it's not a totally smooth oval either cause there's a little dip where the bone is, and it's a bit uneven so it looks really cool. I don't touch it or anything though. Even though I kind of want to.

Andrew dumps his bag on the floor at the foot of his bed and slides down next to it. He hugs his knees to himself, pressing his face against his arms.

He looks so sad, and I feel guilty because I know I was supposed to be there to help him through his first day. I don't often regret things; if I did then the list would be too long, what with all the trouble I've caused up in heaven. But right now I just want to hug him and tell him it's all going to be okay.

Andrew is sad, he's lonely, and he doesn't have any friends, and blah and blah....

But all of that is about to change!

I am totally determined about this. The thought cheers me up as I bounce over to him and give him a big hug, although I know he can't feel it. His curly hair feels really soft and I push my hand into it and tug at it a little hard. It's okay because he can't feel it.

It's a nice colour too. I've always wanted jet-black hair; I think it looks really cool. How cool would it be if Andrew and his angel had matching hair? Mine's a bit shorter, since it was recently chopped, but only very slightly. It's messy like his but not as curly.

I dig my fingers further into his hair and mess it up a lot. It just feels really fun to do and I don't think he'd mind. It's already pretty tangled and I don't see a comb anywhere, so he obviously likes for it to be knotted up.

Andrew sighs and pulls out his homework. There are a ton of boring looking books with equations all over them, and they look really heavy... and did I mention boring?

I'm glad we're not required to learn math up in heaven, but you can learn it if you like, of course. There's a ton of way funner activities available though, you can basically find anything you like to occupy your time. I've heard that souls sent to hell are forced to do everything they most despise. Even the demons have a lot of boring stuff to do, since it's hell.

Andrew is still sitting on the cold floor instead of the nice comfy bed that I'm bouncing on while watching him. I can't feel the temperature in my invisible form but he must be feeling too warm to get on the bed and wrap these thick blankets around himself. I edge closer and round my mouth into a little 'o' shape as I start blowing cold air onto the back of his neck.

It seems to help him so I continue doing it for about an hour although my mouth gets really tired. He finally shivers a little and moves to the bed to my greatest satisfaction. I let out a huge sigh of relief and flop down beside him in total fatigue.

He's not really doing anything now and I'm kind of bored with watching. I decide I should go on an adventure to get a bottle of hair dye, so that we can be matching when we finally meet in person tomorrow. There are these things in the human realm called supermarkets that are stuffed with every single thing imaginable. I float around the streets a bit until I come across one.

There are rows and rows of stuff inside, but there are some signs on the ceilings which help you find what you need. I'm still invisible so I easily pass through the shelves until I get to the hair dye section. I grab the bottle and it turns invisible as soon as I pick it up.

I notice lots of people going to a row of tables at the front and exchanging some scraps of paper in return for the stuff they wanted. It seems really rude though, to just toss your unwanted scraps at the people behind the counters before you sail away with all your new things.

I'm an angel so I'm much too kind to do such a thing. I take my dye bottle and float away without bothering anyone.

A/n: editing this two years later and why the hell am I talking so much about the nostrils 😭 I didn't change it tho cuz of nostalgia

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A/n: editing this two years later and why the hell am I talking so much about the nostrils 😭 I didn't change it tho cuz of nostalgia...nose-talgia...nevermind

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