37 - Marie | Prom night

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The stinky, old gym was all glammed up with strobing lights and glittery comets. Shooting stars decorated the walls, matching this year's prom theme of "Celestial." A photo-booth was set up right at the entrance where couples were lining up to take their romantic snaps.

'Oooh we can photobomb everyone's prom pictures!' I excitedly pulled James to the starry backdrop.

'We won't show up in the photos,' he pointed out, respectfully stopping by the props table.

'Not to them, but we'll be able to see it!' I jumped in the middle of a hand-holding couple, placing one hand on my hip and sticking the other out to make a funny pose like a teapot.

James laughed, his tension easing in the festive atmosphere as he joined me for the next picture. He held up two fingers behind my head to make a pair of horns, and I did jazz hands on his shoulders like a pair of wings.

'Let's grab some props!' I excitedly pulled a hot-pink feather boa from the table and threw it over James.

'Oh no!' James exclaimed, ducking and rolling to escape it, 'It will look like it's floating!'

I laughed as the photographer came to pick it up and put it back on the table. He scratched his head in confused, wondering where the wind came from.

'I totally forgot.' I giggled. 'That would have looked so funny!'

James laughed. 'Ha-ha. Imagine though.'

A wide smile stretched across his face. He seemed so light and carefree; I've never seen him this happy.

'Ooh Ciara and Evan are here,' I exclaimed, spotting them on the dance floor. 'Let's go trip them up so that they fall into each other's arms and have a romantic moment.'

Bright neon LED lights blinked up from the blue and silver dance floor, creating patterns and spelling out the school name.

'You shouldn't disrupt them,' James chided, as I dragged him onto the lit-up squares, 'Let them have their privacy.'

'James it's my job to disrupt the lives of humans, duh! And I'm bringing love into the world,' I explained, making my way to the dancing duo.

I stuck out my foot and gleefully watched Evan trip and fall down. Unfortunately, he fell in the wrong direction and crashed into another couple, creating a domino effect which brought down half the hall.

'Oh no,' I wailed, 'You were right James, I ruin everything!'

'That's okay, your heart's in the right place,' he replied reassuringly as he took my arm, 'Wanna dance?'

A melody of a slow waltz started playing over the speakers.

'I don't know ballroom dancing,' I admitted, 'I would just be stepping on your toes if I stood that close. Maybe later when a pop song plays.'

'Don't worry, I went for classes in hell,' he insisted, 'I'll lead.'

'Really? I didn't think they had many extra-curricular classes there.'

'They did have compulsory lessons in ballroom dancing.'

'In hell?' I asked skeptically.

'Yes... it's hell.'

I shrugged in agreement and James smiled endearingly, taking my hand and leading me into the waltz.

'And no one can see us, so you can step on my feet all you want and no one will care,' he added.

I took the opportunity and stamped on his foot. 'I bet you'll care a little bit.'

'You don't have to do it on purpose!' he exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise. I grinned as he twirled me into a dip.

'Try to stamp me from there,' he joked.

I bust out my wings, floating in mid-air and leaving my feet free to stamp all they wanted.

'Ow, okay okay! You can stamp from anywhere, you proved your point!' James burst out laughing as he uprighted me. 'My poor feet.'

Suddenly, he tensed, staring at a point beyond my shoulder. I turned to see what he was looking at, and came face to face with another demon—the same one I'd had the displeasure of meeting on Andrew's front yard.

Danyel looked furious.

He towered over us both, his massive horns blocking out the light from the glow-in-the-dark stars and glittering mirrorball.

'Thank you, James, for bringing her here,' Danyel murmured, his silky smooth voice chilling me to the core. Black smoke billowed from between his carved lips.

'Huh?' I turned to James in confusion. He stared at me expressionlessly, doing nothing as Danyel snatched me by the wrist.

'Hey!' I yelled, trying to shake him off of me. His iron-like grip was much stronger than I expected. Much stronger than the last time.

'Don't bother, Angel,' Danyel whispered, leaning in close till I could smell his rancid breath. 'I've fused your shattered cross with my own magic; you wear my sorcery on your wrist.

I sucked in a sharp breath, looking down at the wrist he held. The wristband James had given me shone with an eerie, demonic light.

My corsage of red roses.

I looked up at James, gasping for help. His crimson eyes were empty and glazed over. He watched me struggle as if he weren't even seeing me.

I had been betrayed.

Hell's Angel (EDITING)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang