27 - Marie | It can have no effect on my superioir angelic embodiment

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The room was pitch-black when I awoke.

Nice! I actually woke up early for once.... Congratulations me! I patted myself on the back. I don't even feel sleepy after getting so little rest- I must've been subconsciously very worried about the demon visiting Andrew today. James must definitely have something evil up his sleeve. He made sure I wasn't invited, but I can still go and keep an eye on them in my invisible form.

But first, I'm just going to sleep some more. There's plenty of time...

I awoke again and it was still dark though it felt like many hours had passed. I tried to again to go back to sleep but I wasn't the least bit tired. I thought humans needed many hours of rest—I've been staying in my human form just to get the feel of it. It's definitely awful having to wake up for school every morning.

I checked the time on my watch and it was barely three o'clock. Groaning, I tumbled off the bed. I was too bored and awake by now. A deep sigh passed my lips as I turned invisible and floated through the wall of the angel halfway house.

The moment I made it to the other side of the wall the sun blazed brightly upon me, almost blinding me and confusing my sleep-addled brain. I looked back at my watch and realized with horror that it was actually 3pm.

Those darned curtains! They just absorbed all light like a fabric-made black hole.

Not even stopping to brush my hair—not that I ever do—I rushed outside and let a strong gust of wind help propel me faster towards Andrew's house.

I tumbled through his kitchen wall, landing on my hands and knees as I gasped for air. The boys were covered in a mess of ingredients, and the kitchen floor was barely visible. They were peering into the oven from where a heavenly scent of chocolate wafted.

'I think it's done,' Andrew stated, poking a toothpick into the tray. I watched in interest as James grabbed an oven mitt—probably to keep up appearances, his own body temperature is much hotter than an oven—and set it on the table. They had made brownies! I loved brownies!

I guess I needn't have worried so much. They were just innocently baking all this time, and the results looked divine. I stepped closer to the tray as the boys left the room, saying it needed to cool. James turned back to toss me a smirk before he left. Irritable demon.

The scent of chocolate was heavy and addicting, making me feel quite dizzy. Did chocolate really smell that addictive? I concentrated on my human sense of smell and the scent of addiction lessened dramatically. My eyes widened as I bent closer to the tray, calling upon my higher senses and being hit by a wave of something forbidden.

It was weak enough that I hadn't realized it at first. Much weaker than the usual substances. But it was still there. Technically, not something that could corrupt my human's soul, but something that could act as a gateway or catalyst. I shifted into my human form, placing my hands on either side of the tray.

I had to get rid of them.

But firstly, how could James? I thought we were friends now, and he hadn't really seemed all that evil as of late. I'm sure Andrew would never have agreed to this—James basically tried to drug him! My sweet Andrew was innocently baking brownies and that HORRIBLE DEMON snuck weed into them!

I seethed and narrowed my eyes. The demon was also stupid enough to leave me alone with them. Did he think I wouldn't even notice?

I took a deep breath and grabbed a spoon, prying the brownie from its tray. It sizzled and oozed, rich chocolate spilling everywhere. Aside from the marijuana, it really did look quite tasty. I wondered where I could dispose of it; the bin would surely be suspicious when Andrew or his parents find it in there. And it can't just disappear without Andrew wondering what happened to it—I couldn't explain how I just came by and somehow knew his food was drugged.

On the other hand, I could say I came to see him... and then I saw the brownies and just ate them? I don't think it would affect me; I'm sure I'm immune.

I experimentally broke off a small piece and popped it in my mouth. The soft casing melted and the insides oozed Nutella. Mmm, delicious. I took another bite, a larger one this time, and my eyelids fluttered shut at the heavenly taste. This was the best darned brownie I've ever had. Who would've thunk it'd be made in part by a demon. I felt perfectly fine as well, the marijuana having no effect on my superior angelic embodiment.

I heard the boys going upstairs to Andrew's bedroom and I took my time finishing the tray. Now I could easily explain why they didn't see me come in.

I finished the brownie just in time and put down the spoon as I heard James and Andrew running down the stairs. Suddenly feeling a bit light-headed, I leaned against the counter. It looked closer than it really was and I almost tripped as I reached out to grab it. Everything on the other side of the room suddenly looked closer, and everything that was near me looked to be miles away.

My breath came out a bit shallower than normal. I gripped the countertop tightly, watching my knuckles grow white but not feeling a thing. I put a hand to my face and it felt like another being was touching me. I looked up, dazed and confused.

The demons face was the last thing I saw before I slipped to the ground.

Hell's Angel (EDITING)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang