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"Why does this random man know who I am? And why did he answer to the name Peter?"

Elara's eyes watched the tv in horror at the state of the apartment building she had just left from a little under half an hour ago. She, Ned and MJ all sat around the dinning room table, the box sitting between Elara. Ned's lola came over to them and placed a small basket of bread rolls on the table as none of them has eaten since they got there.

The old woman gently cupped Ned's face and hugged him from his sitting state, causing him to smile a little before she let go, moving away from him to pat Elara's head then leave back to the living room. She seemed really accepting about the fact that there was a girl with wings sitting in her house.

The whole mood was dreary and the rain outside was not helping the atmosphere. The news reporter started talking again, "We are told that multiple people have been injured, and we can confirm at least one person has been killed..."

Aunt May. She knew it was Aunt May. That was why Peter hasn't been answering their calls or texts. They knew he wasn't dead as the news would have made a much bigger deal in the fact Spider-Man was dead.

"Still nothing?" MJ asked the two of them.

They shook their heads no.

The curly haired girl looked over to the box for a second, thinking before ultimately deciding, "I'm gonna press it."

"What? No, he-"

Elara slid the box away from her and on her other side, "No. He told me not to let you until he heard it from him. We're not pushing it."

"Elara, what if one of those things got him? What if-"

"I don't care. Not- I do care if one of the villains got him but he specifically said not to let you so no."

Ned cut in before this would become a whole debacle in his lolas dining room. "I just wish- I just wish we could see him." His hand has been waving around as he spoke and a spark happened mid air across the room.

All of them sat up in their seats at that, looking at where it had happened.

"Ned..." Elara started quietly, "Did you fail to mention to us that you were magic?"

"No. I-I don't know how I did that."

"Ned?" MJ said.


"Do that again."


He waved his hand in a messy circle and said again, "I just wish we could see him."

It happened again but slightly larger this time.
It was a sparking, orange circle in mid air that disappeared again quickly.

They all stood up, Elara jumping up and down a little out of excitement. Ned put out before of his hands hesitantly like he had seen Doctor Strange do before when he was making portals. Then made a large circle with two of his fingers and said, "I just wish we could see Peter."

The portal opened again but this time completely instead of collapse in on itself immediately. It opened onto a dark alleyway with dumpster and a figure standing more near the end of it. They could make out the large white eyes of Peters mask.

+When Angels Fall+ Peter ParkerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon