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'I just think he's pretty...'

The strange man laid before the team, gold string beams were attached from Elara's finger pads to the mans injuries, easily illuminating the room in a golden glow. She merely healing the small wounds, if she healed any sort of major ones and it turned out the he was a threat, at least he would be weaken because of them.

The guardians around her stared perplexed as his wounds disappearing slowly, the same thing on their minds.

How the hell did he survive out there?

Quill voiced everyone's thoughts, "How the hell is this dude still alive?" He watched as the golds strings stitched the cuts on his bare arms and removed the bruises. Her fingers moved with the little beans of lights as her eyes inspected and focused on the man.

"He's not a dude. You're a dude." Drax started at the mysterious mans face as Elara looked up to face Peter. She almost laughed at the expression on his face but settled for cheeky grin. "This...this is a man."

"Handsome, muscular man."

"I'm muscular." Peter argued as the angel tried to hold back her laughter. She set her hands to her sides and flapped her wings a little so she was sitting on the table behind her, legs crossed under each other.

Peter gave her a perplexed look as she stared at him with folded hands, innocently.

"I don't like that look your giving me, Angel.."

She only blinked at him and smiled up at him.

"Who are you kidding, Quill? You're one sandwich away from being fat." Rocket interrupted the stare down. Peter gwafed at him, attention now off her as she finally erupted in cute giggles.

"Yeah, right." He sent a glare at her as she wheezed. "It wasn't that funn- What?" Peter questioned as the guardians eyes flickered from the mysterious gun show to the fun loving star lord.

"It's true. You have gained some weight..."

"Gamora do you think I'm..." Peters eyes only showed betrayal as Gamora looked away from him and avoided the question.

Mantis lightly touched Elara's shoulder as she felt a wave of calm energy wash over her body, replenishing the energy she had used to heal the man. She sent the older woman a toothy smile and she poked at her fangs. Mantis giggled at her reaction and moved over to the mysterious man, breathing out.

Finally her hands touched the sides of his head. Visually, Elara could see her antennas droop as she probably felt his aura as the angel had earlier. One of Elara's gifts was the ability to feel others auras, or their emotions. Sometimes it affected her own as a side effect.

"Is he feeling hot?" She asked softly as she leaned closer to the two.

"He is hot, that is correct. I do not think he's around your age.."

"What? What do you mean? I meant is he feeling ok? What did you mean?" The winged girl asked, obviously very confused about what Drax had said. "I just think he's pretty.." She said as she continued to look at him. Reaching out her hand to play with his hair mindlessly.

The adults avoided her questions, but wanting to explain what they meant to her at the moment. Mantis, thankfully interrupted their thoughts and Elara's petting motions as she said, "He is anxious. Angry. He feels tremendous loss and guilt."

"I wonder why..." Elara pondered in her airy voice as her eyes focus on his face, more on the fact that he didn't have one of his eyes.

Everyone inched even closer to him, gawking at his body fully. the angel's long, pale nails tilted his head as she inspected the small marks that her healing left but would go away in a little bit. Part of her couldn't help but grasp his cheeks to get a better look at him.

"...He's got a nice facial structure. He's definitely a pretty man."

"That's the strangest way to describe someone, kid." Rocket pointed as he stood off to the side with his arms crossed. She only looked at him and shrugged before turning back.

"It's like a pirate had a baby with a angel." Drax said in his normal low tone of voice. Elara's head shot up and looked at him, hearing the word 'angel' and thinking he was talking about her. "Not you, tiny angel."

"Wow. This is a real wake up call for me. Okay. I'm gonna get a Bowflex. I'm gonna commit. I'm gonna get some dumbbells." Peter said in the background but no one was really paying attention. "You know, you can't eat dumbbells, right?"

"It's like his muscles are made of Cotati metal fibers." Gamora said as she ran her fingers up and down the mans arm. Elara nodded her head, one of her fingers trancing a scar on his shoulder.

"Stop massaging his muscles." Quill said as he looked from his girlfriend to the man on the table. Elara immediately pulled her hand away and raised it in defense. Gamora dropped the arm, that came down with a large thud as she gave him a look. He ignored it and turned to Mantis, telling her to wake the man up.

The man shot up and get off the table in a haphazardly manor. The Guardians of the Galaxy all grabbed their different weapons. Elara's being two metal katanas with gold handles that were normally lung on her back in between her wings in an X formation.

He ended up knocking over some metal objects that fell to the floor. The angel girl could feel all of his emotions rushing toward her as he looked at them. Everything Mantis had said. Anxious, angry, loss, and guilt.

"Who the hell are you guys?"

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