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'Shut it!'


"Is this ok?" Mantis asked as she sprayed some disinfectant medicine on the cut between Elara's wings. Her white wings flexed and spazzed a little at the sensitivity.

"Sorry about that. My backs really sensitive." She said sheepishly as they calmed down. They had all gotten back to the ship with Peter carrying Elara as she had gotten hurt. Elara had already healed the rest of them, Peter and herself mostly, but she would have to let her back heal on its own as she couldn't reach.

Nobody knew where Thanos had taken Gamora and they were all worried. They hadn't talked about it since they got back. Peter's Zune was playing in the background as Mantis finished putting the bandages on the large cut across the angels back.

The two girls watched as Drax suddenly stood up, moving away from the three of them. Elara watched curiously as he made his way to the way to the ships sound system and then did the most unspeakable thing. He ripped the Zune right out of the sound system.

Peter tensed up in front of the girls, his posture going rigid as Mantis finished wrapped the gauze over Elara's shoulder, going down under her armpit and under her shoulder blade as to not disturb her white wings.

"Turn it back on." Peter demanded suddenly, standing up and shoving Mantis out of the way. The white haired girl steadying her quickly as she watched the two men's exchange.

He paid no heed, making his way to Drax who held the Zune in one hand. Both girls grew wary of the fight that was about to occur, not knowing how to stop it. "Same song, again and again and again." The grey man said.

"I told you, I screwed up, I have to get back in the groove. Specifically, the New York Groove. Give me back my Zune! Give me the Zune!" Peter yelled as he tried to grab it but the other invaded him quickly. Elara could feel herself fuming up, her large wings puffing up in anger.

She stood up and walked over to two men that were acting like children, Drax circling the table, evading Peters desperate hands.

"Hey, hey, HEY! Shut it!" Both of them stopped and looked at Elara with wide eyes. She was never one to get mad. Elara didn't like arguing of any sort so when she was like this, it was terrifying. Her wings sagged in the ground, the tips brushing the floor, but her pristine feathers were puffed out.

"You know I don't like my voice like this!" She yelled angrily, her eyebrows creasing in the middle as she was upset. "Look at what you're doing to Mantis!" Elara gestured to the black haired girl, who had pulled her knees up to her chest.

She took and deep breath before saying, "Look, we messed up. It's fine. We take fix this. But right now, we can not be taking our anger out on each other. So can you both start acting like ADULTS so we can find Gamora?!" They both gulped and nodded with her. Elara nodded, calming down as Mantis placed a hand on a shoulder and sent her calming emotions.

But both of them found something out of the corner of their eyes. Unbeknownst the them, Peter had followed their gaze to the display wall of the ship. The three of them stared at the light going on and off.

"Decoded message channel? How long has that been on?" Peter asked as he brushed past Elara and walked over to the blinking light. Mantis made a comment on how beautiful the light was as Peter got on her about not telling them it went off.

"It was Elara's job." She defended herself quickly, "I just just thought that the light was pretty-"

"You didn't see the blinking light?" Peter asked the winged girl as he turned to her.

Elara quickly pointed to Drax and said, "Drax said he would take care of it because I was injured."

Peter looked to Drax, silently asking for an explanation but the gray skinned man only pretended that he didn't hear him. The human rolled his eyes in annoyance before walking over to the screen. "Holy shit!" They all made their way closer to where he was, "We have 22, now 23, messages!" Peter pressed a button and played one of the messages.

"From Nebula: Gamora's alive!"

He clicked the next one.

"Thanos is taking her to Titan!"

The next.

"Why aren't you picking up?"

Next one.

"Why aren't you responding? Are you getting my messages?" With each word, Peters voice seemed to be getting higher, his eyes widening at each message.

He leapt into action and started looking for the coordinates to Titan, Drax standing next to him. Elara decided to just hang around the answering machine with Mantis, every time she heard her sisters voice, she smiled happily. It had been a while since seeing her blue sister so she was excited to even hear her.

"I got the coordinates!" Peter announced to them as he put the planets coordinates into the ship, signaling everyone to take their seats.

"That's good!" Elara said happily as Mantis turned off the messages, "Let's go!"

The white haired girl sat down in her usual seat and thought to herself with a smile, 'Thank you, sister..'

A/N: I totally imagine Elaras voice as Phoebe from Friends because that's who I based her personality on 😋

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