Chapter Eight

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The sound of rain hitting glass brings me out of my slumber. My fingers immediately begin to tap as I force myself to open my eyes.

As they adjusted to the lightness of the room, I looked around taking notice that I was back in my bedroom, before noticing a white bulge on my right hand. Carefully lifting it, my eyes bulged as I realize that the scar was bandaged tightly.

I quickly look down at my clothes, relieved to see that they didn't change me, I couldn't risk anyone seeing my scars. Shaking my head, I climbed out of the bed and went to where my backpack sat untouched on a swinging chair. Opening it, I pulled an old, tattered bunny from the depths before hugging it to my chest. Looking out the window, I noticed the garden is bright even though it is raining out. Rain is always my favorite element, its soft sounds and the anger that thunder holds, it relates to me. It doesn't strike always, but it lights up the world with everything it has when it does.

Slipping out the door, I walk slowly down the grand staircase, Fleur, my bunny grasped in my hand. I don't remember when I named her, but I remember that she was always there for me, through mom and dad's deaths and Neil and Rachel's torment.


I'm almost to the garden door when I hear voices shouting at each other. My curiosity getting the best of me, I follow them, cautiously holding Fleur to my chest. When I locate the origin of the voices, I realize that I'm back at Hercule's office.

"Hercule she had a cauterized wound!"

"Not only that Val, but she also scratched it open without even thinking!"

"Did you notice how she is always tapping her fingers?"

"Que diriez-vous de la façon dont elle ressemble parfaitement à notre sœur décédée ?"
(How about how she resembles our deceased sister perfectly!)

The shouting kept carrying on and I didn't know how to track the switch from English and French. Suddenly all the voices stopped footsteps pounded and slowly, one of my brothers opened the door. They did say curiosity killed the cat... well I guess I'm the cat.

"Why don't you come in Nadia?" His face was shadowed in anger. All six of the men who looked like me were sat there, alongside Gabriel of course, it seemed he was everywhere Hercule was.

"Has anyone told you how unbecoming eavesdropping is?" I froze, my fingers tapping against my forearms as I clutched Fleur tighter to my chest. Quickly, I regained control of my breathing and put on my mask. All of the men looked surprised and their eyes searched my own.

"Nadia, come sit down. It's time you are properly introduced to everyone." Hercule motioned towards the couch that three of my brothers were perched on. I moved to stand against the wall when one of the guys shoved the other off the couch. The two began to brawl and they both ended up on the floor. "Enough!" At Hercule's tone, both men stopped and stood quickly, opting to stand with their backs against opposite walls. It took me another second to realize that they were carbon copies of each other.

I was observing everyone as they observed me, causing me to shrink further into my mask. I tapped my arm faster.

"Sit" a boy who was easily overlooked peered at me from where he stood next to Gabriel, his deep and serious voice making me immediately sit on the couch, folding in on myself so I didn't risk touching the man sitting next to me.

"D'accord, boys introduce yourselves youngest to eldest." Everyone looked to Hercule as he sat at his desk.

The boy sitting next to me smiled. "Mon étoile, it's good to have you home, I'm Valentin." He had many piercings and tattoos but what confused me was his words, home. A place that I never had. Could I have one with these boys? "I'm the youngest, and I'm twenty." Valentin smiled at me softly.
(My star).

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