Chapter Forty-One

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My heart pattered in my throat as I stared out the window. How will everyone react when they see that my brother is with me? Or how about the fact that I've begun to talk again? Will people think I've been faking the fact that I was a mute?

"Miss Renaud." I looked up and met Remy's eyes in the rearview mirror; "we have arrived." Nodding my head, I pulled my backpack onto my lap and moved to the door. Taking a breath, I waited for the click and pull of the car door unlocking and opening.

A gentle hand landed on the middle of my back as I slowly made my way out of the car. Looking up, I glanced at Alexandre before starting to walk toward the school. "Just act normal, don't mind the looks. We're here for your protection, not to annoy you." Giving him a small nod, I continued towards the school, my two twinning shadows following behind me.

"Nadia!!" My eyes scanned the entrance to the building before stopping on Audrey's form barreling through the crowds and right at me.

Before I could even react, her arms were wrapped around me and I was off the ground. "You're back!!" She squeezed me harder, causing me to begin to wheeze.

"Can't.... breathe.... need air." Her arms were quick to release me as she gasped.

"Nadia... you're voice."

"Surprise?" I raised my hands and shrugged with a crooked grin. Audrey's mouth cracked into a wide smile as she realized what this meant. "No, don't do it." Her mouth was already open as the last syllable left my mouth. Screeching at the top of her lungs, she took her hands in mine and began to jump up and down.

"Oh, we have so much to talk about! I can't wait to show Brigitte that you're back! And I need to show you the pictures of my bunny!" She looped her arm through mine and began to drag me into the school.

Looking back over my shoulder, I took in Alexandre's lowered sunglasses and raised eyebrow. Shrugging at him and Remy, I turned back to her animated talking.


My shoes made a soft noise as I trudged down the desolate halls with Alexandre and Remy at my back.

Madame Clermont had us come in for a rundown on the rules before I was dismissed with a pass for advisory, even though I would've gladly skipped it.

"Do I seriously have to go to this? It's not even a class!" I stopped walking when we reached the doorway to the room.

"Yes, Nadia. Hercule won't be happy if he finds out you skipped it, even if you don't consider it a class." Alexandre moved to open the door but I stepped into his path.

"Who said he needs to find out?" He smirked at me before shaking his head and rushing around me to pull open the door. 

"After you, milady." Alexandre winked at me as I huffed and made my way into the silent room.

"If it isn't the elusive sister of the Renauds, I'm surprised you haven't been expelled yet, considering you've missed almost every day of school so far. Oh, and, you're late." Mumbling under my breath, I pulled out my note from Madame Clermont. As soon as his clammy hand took the note, I was wandering off to my seat.

Sitting down, I noticed how all eyes were on me. Whether in fear or fury, it was hard to say, all I knew was that it made me feel like bugs were all over my skin.

The door slammed open a second time and my teacher's head shot up. "I'm sorry Sir, but you aren't allowed in this room without a pass while a class is in session." Alexandre slapped his pass down on my teacher's desk before making his way back to where I was sitting.

Plopping down, he sighed. "How much longer do we have to be here?"

Looking at the clock, I grimaced, "Only like six hours or so." My love for school hadn't dissipated... I simply couldn't stand being around all the stuck-up rich kids that called this place their realm, though.

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