Chapter Nine

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It was too late for breakfast but still too early for lunch as everyone flooded into the dining room. Annette had made the wonderful decision to make brunch instead, so she didn't have to fend off a house of grumbling boys until dinner. I wasn't very hungry but knew if I didn't show up then I would be in trouble. Even just thinking about getting in trouble made me shiver. I couldn't risk anything; I didn't know any of them yet.


When the mousse was finally done, Annette and I carried it into the dining room before sitting down in our respective places.

Chatter at the table immediately started but I just pushed my food around my plate. The close proximity of so many men was a cause for a major attack so instead, I just concentrated on my breathing, my right hand tapping on my thigh in time with my heart.

"Nadia, eat." Matthieu looked at me. Slowly I shook my head. He frowned, his forehead creasing.

"It's not a question. Eat." Léon spoke, his rough voice immediately went to my core and I nodded before shoveling food into my mouth. The boys all stared as I quickly finished, my head bowed towards the now empty plate. I felt sick, I had never eaten that much before. Two meals in two days, it was a new record. My body was shaking from the effort it took me to keep the food down. I didn't want a punishment for disobeying his orders.

Finally, everyone finished and we were dismissed. Jumping up from my seat, I raced to my bedroom, sliding down the halls on my socked feet. At my bedroom door, I barged in, quickly running into the en suite. I kneeled on the floor in front of the toilet and immediately the food I had forced down came up. Tears stained my eyes as the acid burned my throat. A careful hand pulled my hair back and I looked up to see Annette. She smiled sadly at me before I had to turn my head, another bout of nausea washing over me.

My body was cold as I laid my head on the toilet seat. Annette had let my hair go and had left the room. I was wondering where she had gone when her soft footsteps reentered the bathroom. I lifted my head and glanced at her. She smiled and helped me to my feet and to the sink so I could brush my teeth before helping me into my bed, her nimble hands pulling the blankets up to my chin. Annette kissed my forehead and was about to leave when I reached my hand out and grasped hers. 

Her eyes immediately flashed to mine in worry before I opened my mouth. It took my brain a minute to even realize what I was trying to do. I grew frustrated at my inability and sighed. She smiled at me and gave me another quick embrace.

"Always chérie. Always." A wisp of a smile graced her face as she caressed my cheek. I was shocked when I didn't flinch from her touch, instead, I almost leaned into it. At the feeling of me shifting, her gaze snapped to attention before she quickly left the room. I frowned, missing the feeling of a motherly touch.


It was dark when I woke up, the moon the only light as it highlighted an obstructed path. The obstruction was the form of a man. As I moved to pull my legs to my chest, the head turned. My obsidian eyes met their jet ones. Léon. Immediately I tensed. He seemed to notice this but shook his head.

"I'm sorry." My eyes bugged. No one had ever apologized to me in my life. Neil and Rachel had every reason to but always played it off as my fault that everything happened. They were right of course, a lot of it was my fault. When I didn't move, he sighed and stood. "No, forget that I was here." I reached my hand out for him before he turned again. "This is stupid... you're stupid." Hurt flashed across my face but I masked it and pulled my hand back to my chest as if I had been burned. His eyes softened in the light of the moon before he shook his head and left, slamming the door behind him. 

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