Chapter 15- Hunt (2): The Cat in Green Hanfu

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A.N: My sincerest apologies, everyone。:゚(;'∩';)゚:。
I'll try my best to update more often. Also, thank you so much for all the votes and comments, I read all of them . It really feels amazing to see you guys are having fun
(◡ ω ◡)
Here's the new update. Happy reading (ㆁωㆁ)

After some self-motivation....

Bai Yuan enetered deep into the hunting area and pulled the reigns to stop his horse.

"There, there, Drake, stop here." He rubbed the neck of his horse, Drake. He silently observed the area and pull out his weapon from his behind.

A crossbow

A foreign gift from the "Museum of weapons" of the Great General Bai Yusheng to his only child, Bai Yuan. Hearsay says , Great General found this rare weapon in a ruin on his way back from a battle he fought the year when the previous Bai Yuan was born. But even after trying so much none could master the weapon so General Bai locked it away , thinking it's useless.

Who knew the master of that weapon would come to retrieve his gem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Bai Yuan's eyes scrutinized the area carefully. A few feet away from him , inside the bush something moved and his body moved on his own to shoot the target.

He pulled the trigger and an arrow went flying powerfully at the direction of the bush.
Nothing moved for a while, it's like time stopped all of a sudden.

Let's see what I have caught...

He got off the horseback and walked to the bush.

!!!Wtf have I done!

To his utter surprise a small wild chicken laid there injured. The arrow hit right in its belly and it died. RIP chimken ಥ_ಥ

I need a big prey to leave everyone dazed! Basically to shut their stinky mouths..yuck

No sooner had he started to head back to his horse than he heard an evil laugh.

"Hahahaha, as expected, chicken for a chicken!"

Bai Yuan gave that man a sharp look "Who are you?"

"Wait, you don't know me? Or you don't want to remember me? Who forgets about the second prince of the Empire so easily?"

Bai Yuan looked irritated and so he started to ride his horse.

"Running away, tch, I don't want to see your ugly face either!"

"So noisy, let's go ,Drake." Bai Yuan said and pulled on the reigns of Drake .

"Hey! Who are you calling noisy??"

Alas, Bai Yuan was gone.

"Stop, harassing his Highness like this Prince Xiyi." A man in pure white robes , riding a white horse said in a calm voice.

"Liangcheng! Where were you?" Prince Xiyi asked with bright eyes.
"Prince Xiyi, how many times have I told you to call me 'Teacher'?"

Prince Xiyi tilted his head a little and playfully apologized, "My bad, Cheng-cheng, I'd surely address you as 'Teacher' the next time."

Mo Liangcheng's eyebrows were knitted in displeasure but he knew Xiyi was beyond remedy.

Mo Liangcheng asked in his same cold voice,
"Have you spotted any cat in this area?"

"Cat? Oh yeah, met one earlier, why?"

"Why didn't you catch it?!"asked Mo Liangcheng with a surprised face.

"If I had caught something that was meant to be caught by Imperial brother, he will hang me on the rope!"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"The cat in green hanfu?"

"....." Mo Liangcheng was not surprised by prince Xiyi's humour but still he was speechless for a while,

"I'm not refering to his Highness,Bai Yuan. Today , during the hunt a rare breed of wild cat broke it's cage and now it's roaming freely in the forest. It's fangs are poisonous, I was assigned to catch it , dead or alive."

"Same sh!t" shrugged Prince Xiyi, "But I want to catch it with you, let's go."

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