Chapter 30-Night at Zunyi Inn

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AN: With every update, slowly I'm trying to write longer chapters. Now I understand that the previous chapters were too short. Truly sorry for that. Hope it's not becoming monotonous.

#Helpmefinderrors #please #happyread


Yeye was all teary and seemed like he would burst into tears anytime.

"Ge, w-why isn't my mommy back ?"

Xu Ying nervously coaxed him as much as he could, " Young master, I think they're on their way back. Let's be a little more patient, okay?"

Yeye squirmed in Xu Ying's arms, "No! Let me go! Let me go! Yeye will go and find mommy!"

"Please don't move so much, Young master! You'll fall."

"Let me go!"


Xu Ying cried inside after getting bitten on his arm, Master, please come back soon!!

As if God answered his prayers instantly, he saw Bai Yuan coming towards the carriage with a big smile of satisfaction. Seeing him arrive, Xu Ying cried happy tears, "Your highness, finally you're back!"

Yeye teared up instantly, "Mommy!" He stretched out his small arms in hopes of going to Bai Yuan's arms. Bai Yuan also took him in a tight hug presently, "Why is my little pumpkin crying? Did Xu Ying bully you?"

Xu Ying pointed at his bitten arm, "Maybe, I'm the real victim here, your highness…"

Bai Yuan mouthed him a small but sincere apology and headed towards the carriage, "Xu Ying, could you please arrange the gifts inside the carriage?"

Xu  Ying moved to take the gifts from the person who accompanied Bai Yuan. That person's face couldn't be seen because of the pile of gifts in his arms. Realizing something Xu Ying hurriedly asked before Bai Yuan entered the carriage with Yeye.

"Your highness, Master didn't come with you?"

Bai Yuan flashed him a smile and simultaneously Xu Ying heard a cough. He moved a gift box from the pile hurriedly and was stunned at the sight,


He didn't quite understand whether to laugh or to show some sympathy to his master. He never even in his wildest dreams had thought that his always-cold-and-aloof master would carry gifts for his wife without any complaints. He just looked at Wang Yiheng's gloomy face and without saying a single word removed all the gift boxes from his arms at the speed of light.

Wang Yiheng patted his robes to remove the dust, "Don't give me that look. It's a husband's responsibility to help his wife at any cost."

He then remembered the gift he received earlier from Bai Yuan and his facial expressions changed drastically. The gloomy face was nowhere to be found.


The way to Dandelion Palace (Mo-er's palace) was fairly long. It wasn't a distance to be covered in a one-day journey and everyone had to pause the journey in the middle to rest at night.

Wang Yiheng already knew that, so he had already made arrangements in a well-known inn beforehand. Since he was the monarch of the Empire, his stay had to be arranged in a place that had higher facilities and security services. Moreover, it was his first trip with his wife and son, he had to set up the best.

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