Chapter-19 Big News

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Birds chirped outside as the soft sun rays peaked from behind the white satin curtains. Bai Yuan turned sideways on the soft bed,

Ah! What a sound sleep I had yesterday! Wish I could sleep like that every day, mm.

But, only when he stretched out his hand to get his arm pillow, did he hit a rather hard surface. His eyes were shut, however, he knew well, it was anything but his arm pillow or Yeye. Huh? What is this alien thing on my bed?


Bai Yuan fell off his bed from the early morning shock he received after discovering a man sleeping beside him. That man had flawless brown hair with a tanned enormous build which was being covered with a black night robe. But the robe ties seemed to come loose because the perfectly toned abs of that man were casually peeking from beneath the soft black layers.

Even though Bai Yuan himself was a man, he couldn't but be envious of such handsomeness! He rubbed his back and stood up to look properly at Wang Yiheng.

So he actually spent the night here!!! Wait, how should I act with him...ugh...what is this situation...Come on, I've never had a husband before! Top of that, an 'Emperor' !! God!

As he was scratching around his head to find some relatable information, the person before him woke up and saw a bothered, restless human being who was, in title his wife. Bai Yuan didn't notice but his own robes were loose too. Just like Wang Yiheng's tanned skin, his porcelain pale skin was showing, covered in a soft rosy hue.

Wang Yiheng's eyes were fixed on Bai Yuan. This was the person he had married but could spend only a little time with. He never knew his wife looked so adorable with bed hair. Ah, there were many things he didn't know. But one thing he knew for sure, it was his fault for not knowing.

Wang Yiheng was about to go deeper into his guilt when Bai Yuan turned his face suddenly to look at him. Both of their eyes widened in surprise when they suddenly got caught.



Bai Yuan's cheeks reddened and he hurriedly tried to get off the bed, "Ah, sorry for that. I'll take my-"

Woah! His Golden eyes are-.....scary!What's with this odd staring competition? Run, A-Yuan!

Little did he know that his long belt of the night robe was loosened and got stuck between the bed and bedside table when he previously fell off the bed. As a result, when he tried to move faster, ahm ahm, he was pulled back with the same force (all according to the great Newton's third law) and so not only he fell on Wang Yiheng who was trying to sit up but also his robe totally came undone!

Wang Yiheng wasn't late to catch Bai Yuan in his arms at all. His reflexes were sharp as blade after staying so long on the battlefield. Finally, he felt that tender porcelain skin that he saw right after waking up rub his chiselled chest muscle. Something burned under the flesh of his body. He noticed, the oddly overly-fragrant fragrance was not there, instead it was a clean and soft smell of herbs and mild fragrant flowers mixed with it.

Bai Yuan's blood totally rose up to his face, _WTF!_

He sprung up from the tight embrace and without letting his embarrassment show even for once, he just turned and dashed outside clenching his robes together, as tight as possible.

Wang Yiheng blinked blankly while watching the back of Bai Yuan disappear in the corridors and thought, "Is he by any chance, Shy?" But then he realised something else and looked under the blanket, ".....Oh no."

One thing Bai Yuan totally forgot before coming out running like a mad horse from his own chamber with dishevelled clothes and hair, was that the servants were all out there. Like a forest fire, the incident didn't take even a day to spread all over the palace, but with a twist of "Big news! Big news! His majesty is finally reunited with His Highness!"

In his courtyard, when Bai Yuan heard this, his first reaction was to spit out his warm tea and secondly, he was glad that his 'Image' didn't get tarnished for running half-nakedly all over the palace early in the morning.

"Seriously, what a life this is!"

A.N: Hello there, this is a small chapter, I know TwT Gomennasai. But I really wanted to write to you before sitting for my exams. Who knows the future? Keep me in your prayers.

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