Chapter 4 a little conflict

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Waking up you hear sizzling. 'What's that Noise?' You slowly get up out of bed walking out of the room. 'Is Hunter making something?' You continue and as you turn the corner there he is the lion himself.

Hunter was wearing a strawberry colored apron. "Hunter?" "Oh hey
Y/n,sleep well?" "Mhm" now looking at the apron more closely you can see it says "kiss the cook" you lightly smile because if it. "What are you making?" You ask. "Oh just some pancakes."

"Oh alright" you say as you sit down. "Wait don't you have school or something today?" "No today's a free day" "why?" You ask calmly.
"I dunno, something about teachers training" "oh I see"

Hunter walks over to you with a plate of 2 pancakes. "Here you go and here's the syrup, oh and don't put on to much." You grab the syrup making sure not to pour to much. "perfect" you say as you make a chiefs kiss.

Hunter grabs another plate with pancakes and sits down next to you. "So y/n I was going to ask you yesterday but you fell asleep." Hunter says as he takes a bite.
"Yes?" "Do you have school in your world and if so what's it like?"

"Oh yea I have school, it's not to bad, we'll depending on who you ask. But other than that it's probably like your school except no animals." "Hm maybe if we find a way to get you back home, I would love to go to your school, you could show me around." "Maybe" you say as you stuff your face with pancakes.

"Y/n slow down you're gonna get the hiccups." "I'll be fi-*hic*...oops"
"I tried to tell you, know you must bear the curse." (Accidental pun)
"BoOo-*hic*" you continue to eat whilst dealing with the hiccups and eventually you finish, putting your plate in the sink.

"Hey Hun-*hic*ter where would I find th-*hic*e cups?" "Hehe the cabinet to the most left" "ok"
You grab a glass cup out of the cabinet filling it up with water.
You fill it almost to the brim and you chug the whole thing. While chugging the huge cup of water, water is leaking out of your mouth in a little stream on the side of your mouth, and down your neck.

Hunter just stares slightly blushing and looking a way. "Gasp...hey I think they're gone now!" You say happily, as you wipe away the small stream of water off you mouth and neck. "Hunter you good?" "Who me yea I'm f-fine" Hunter says while giving a thumbs up. "Alright is there anything we're doing today?"

"Mmm not that I can think of, oh! wait I know we should probably get you some clothes. I mean I'm fine with you wearing mine but I think you should have your own." Hunter suggested. "Yea sounds good, but shouldn't I come?" "Why?" "So you know my size, if it fits,if I like it, etc"
"Alright but we have to hide you."

Hunter gets up to his room grabbing a big hoodie that was way to big for you, perfect! "Here put this on." "what do you know it covers most of my body." "Yup oh wait you're gonna need a pair of pants that aren't pj pants."

You walk with Hunter to his room, he opens one of the drawers and takes out grey sweatpants. "That should do" Hunter then left the room for you to put on the pants. "Done!" "Good, you can use one of my pairs of shoes." He said as you both walked to the front door.

After putting the shoes on Hunter tells you the rules. "Okay 1st rule: don't uncover your face try to look down if that helps, 2nd rule: hold my hand at all times unless you're changing or using the bathroom."
"Alright I got it."

"Good now we can go." You and Hunter left, and walked to the store as it wasn't that far. Eventually you made it, the store was called zoo mart 'another clever name' you thought sarcastically. You held Hunters hand as you walked in. You two made a beeline for the clothing section. After grabbing a cart of course.

"Alright let's see what size are you?"
"I'm c/s" (clothing size) "alright, hey would this shirt be good?" Hunter held up a T-shirt that was a light green and some yellow stripes.
"Yea that would be good." You say as you give thumbs up. "Alright I'll put it in the cart."

{Wild world} Hunter x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now