Chapter 7 crush?

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Hunter pov:

I wake seeing y/n still asleep, they look so cute and peaceful when sleeping. I blushed lightly and got up, carful not to wake up y/n. I do my normal morning routine.

Brush my teeth,comb my mane,put on deodorant, and finally put on some clothes on. After that I grab my bag and head out the door. Once I arrive at school I look around for patch.

"Hunter over here!" I look to my right and see him waving to me. I jog over to him and sit down next to him in the bench. "Hey patch, how's it goin?" "Good."

Me and patch began conversing about different topics. Movies,shows,books, you name it.
While conversing though I couldn't stop thinking about y/n.

A-and not just their Looks. I mean yeah they've got beautiful e/c eyes and a gorgeous face, with perfect
H/c locks. And an amazing body that looks perfect in every way.

"hunter? Hunter? Hunter!!"
"Wha?! Oh sorry I was just lost in thought." I quickly apologize. "It's alright, but as I was saying blah blah blah"

Aaaaand I was zoning out again I just can't stop thinking about y/n I mean it's not my fault that they have a perfect body and handsome face. But another thought crossed my mind could I have a crush on

"Who's y/n?"  "Wait did I say thy out loud?!"  "Y-yea"  "uuugh you weren't supposed to hear that" ........ "so if you don't mind, c-can you tell me who y/n is?"

"They...they're...they're a friend...of mine."  "Oh? Do t-they go to this school?"   "Uugh, no they um"
I was having a really hard time coming up with something on the spot. 'think Hunter think!'

"They go to a different school!"
"Oh r-really which one? Are they from Chondrichthyes academy? Or maybe Aves high school?"

"Oh wait I probably should have asked first is y/n herbivore or carnivore?"  "Y/n is an...omnivore"
'Hopefully I'm right'

"Oh cool, maybe I could meet them, do they live far from here?"
"A little"  "Hm well maybe you could introduce me to them this weekend."
Patch gives me a small closed eye smile.

"W-well you can't because..their sick, they have a cold."  "Oh that must suck,we'll maybe we could video call them or something?"

"Well we can't do that either because y/n has no phone, or computer."  "Hm, we'll I won't judge but I would really love to meet your friend at some point."

"I'm sure they'd love you to."
"Hey why don't you tell me about
Y/n?" "Oh okay, we'll they have h/c hair, and I really love their beautiful e/c eyes.
And their face is so calming,especially when their sleeping."

"A-and I really like their body, and every time they smile it just gives me such a warm feeling in my heart.
And every time we release from an embrace I feel a little sad."

"Y/n always brings me so much joy and makes me smile. And every time I think about them I get all giddy. I would do anything for them."

"Hunter...I think you're in love!"
"W-wait what?!" "I-I mean think about it! You say you feel warm around them and when thinking of them you get all giddy. That's a sign of love or at least a crush."

"Y-you think I have a crush on y/n?"
"Yea, you said it yourself you love their beautiful e/c eyes."
"No we're just really good friends and I happen to like the way y/n looks nothing else!"

"Whatever Hunter you just don't want to admit it." Patch says crossing his arms,looking away.
"Yea right I've only known y/n for a couple of days, you can't just...fall in love with someone on the spot."

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