Chapter 15 SHOOT

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TW: mentions of blood and guns

Y/n pov:

"Hunter? That's a strange name" says Luther. "I know right! It's so strange I don't even know anyone named I?"

"Trust me y/n if you knew someone named Hunter I would know."  "Wait really?"  "Yup, I have data on everyone in town, I know whose who."  "Wow"

"Impressive I know" Luther says with a smug grin.  "Woah there don't flatter yourself." I say with a sly grin. "What? Oh you!" Luther says before ticking me. "Haha stop!"  "Not until you apologize!" "O-okay I'm sorry!"
Luther finally stops.

"and that's why you don't mess with me" Luther says still with a smug look on. "yea whatever" I say panting. Maybe Luther's right I should just forget about that name.


Patch pov:

Still trying to figure out where y/n  is. Hunter seems to be doing better though, he's all rested up and is ready for battle.

"So Hunter where do you think a kidnappers place would be?...
Hunter?" Hunter is sitting in bed all dressed now looking down in thought. "Hey, you okay?"
"What?"  "You we're zoning out"

"Oh sorry, just worried about y/n what if they're being hurt right now, what if they're being tortured what if they're dea-"
I hug Hunter tightly to attempt to shut him up.

"Shhhh, it's okay I'm worried too, maybe not as much as you but im still here. Y/n's not dead"
I hear Hunter begin to cry. "H-how do you know?"

"Just a guy feeling, and y,know
My gut feeling has never failed me before so why would it now?"
"I-I guess you're right, thanks patch."  "Mhm" I say rubbing hunters back.

"Have you considers being a therapist?" Hunter asks. "Maybe once but never really had it in mind." I reply. "You should, you really know how to make people feel better."  "Well thank you."

We release from the hug. "Alright I'm
Gonna get back on my computer, meanwhile I want you to try and think of a plan for us to get inside when we do find y/n."  "Yes sir" Hunter says doing a salute. 'Hang in there y/n we're  so close'


Y/n pov:

Me and Luther were sitting on a bench in the garden while drinking some hot coca with marshmallows. It was very calming. "Hey y/n" "Hm?"
"I want to show you something"
"Okay" I say as I set my coca in the bench with Luther's.

I take Luther's hand as we walk down into what seems like a basement area except more high tech. "Luther where are we going?"  "You'll see"

"Take your gun out"  "w-why? Is there something dangerous down here?!"  "No y/n just take out the gun" Luther says slightly raising his voice. I take out my gun and we continue walking.

We finally stop at a big metal door with a guard. Luther scans the key card and we go in. I hear muffled cries. "Luther what's that sound?" I ask worried.
Luther doesn't answer. Luther flicks a light switch on and I see what looks to be a lion with a bag over their head.

"Luther what's going on?!"
"Don't you remember what I said?"  "What?" "It's my job to protect those who cannot protect themselves. You can help me do that." Luther says in a sinister voice.

"Luther you're scaring me!"
"Do you remember what else I said? All carnivores are bad except me." "What does that have to do with this?!"
"You and me are going to protect humanity from these carnivores."

Luther takes off the bag on the lion. The lion gasps for air. "H-HELP ME PLEASE!" The lion screams.  "Shoot him"
Luther says in an empty voice.
"W-what?!"  "You heard me, Shoot. Him."  "I-I can't"
"Why not? I've already taught you how to use it did you forget?"

"N-no it just that....this is an innocent lion"  "innocent? INNOCENT?! Don't you remember what happened to your family?!" "Y-yes bu-"
"A lion killed them! A LION!! It shouldn't be that hard for you to just shoot at this one it's the same creature that killed your parents what's the difference?!"

"P-please don't shoot me! I-I promise I won't tell anyone just let me go!" Luther punches the lion in the stomach and something falls out from his pocket. I pick it up it's a small necklace with a picture of him and his family.

'He has a family' "Luther we can't shoot him! He has a family!"  "So what?! Yours was taken away from you so why should he have his?!" Luther grabs my gun and points it at the lion. 
"Luther wait!!" "NO PLEAS-!

.   The lions blood was spilled everywhere on the wall some landed on me. "......"  "finally, stupid bitch shut up, I'm very disappointed y/n I wanted you to be the one to shoot this lion but I guess you couldn't. Oh well there's always next time."  "Y-yo-you s-shot him"

"So what he didn't deserve to live"  "HE HAD A FAMILY!"
"And? You lost yours so why should he get to be with his?!"
"He didn't do anything!"
"He was bad, he's a carnivore! All of them are bad! Except for me!"

" you're the worst one! You're the baddest carnivore!
You killed an innocent man who had a family!"  "What did you say to me?" I back up slowly as Luther gets closer. Luther backs me up against the wall, slamming one of his hands next to my head leaving a crack in the wall.


I begin crying. "Look at me when I speak to you damnit!" Luther lifts me up by my chin harshly, his hand hurts. "Luther you're hurting me"
I squeeze out. "Yea?! Well you've hurt me! After everything I've done for you, you call me the bad guy!"

"You're lucky I didn't decide to shoot you!" Luther finally let's go of me and fall to my knees coughing and crying. Luther looks away and sighs.
"That's....enough for today"
Luther picks me up bridal style and Carrie's me back to my room.

Luther lays me down and before leaving the room says ; "we'll talk later" Luther then closes the door. I hide under the covers and bury my face into the pillow and cry.


Patch pov:
"No no, come on!"
Still struggling to track down y/n
These guys are really good at hiding their single. 'Wait what's this?'

Hunter pov: I was drawing out an idea when suddenly I hear ; "I GOT IT!"  "What did you get?" I ask. "I FOUND Y/N!" "wait really?! You'd better not be joking!"  "No no I found them!"

"You want the good news or bad news first?"  "Bad news always"
"Ok we'll the bad news is, it's guarded, the good news is that it's not to far from here only 30 minutes. But we don't have a plan."
"Yes we do" "alright then what is it?"

"we sneak in" "Okay but how do we sneak without anyone knowing?"
"one word, Disguises" "really?" "Yup"
"Well we're gonna need weapons too."  "And that's why we're going to the gun store"
"Hm I guess you've thought of everything, but will we do if we're caught?"  "Then plan B sneak into the vents, get y/n, get out, move to some far away place. Boom"
"Let's go then, I have a car."
"now let's go save y/n!"

-1280 words
Made this a little longer, also this was intense to write.

{Wild world} Hunter x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now